Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More on the Q-Plex



The tender may be over budget by 2.7 million dollars but the Mayor of Quispmasis says with all the green aspects of the Q-Plex everyone will be happy in the long run.
Murray Driscoll says of all the bids they received they were all in the same ballpark, so the price tag is what it is.

Driscoll says the offer still stands towards the town of Rothesay if they want to enter a partnership.
Rothesay is currently awaiting the draft report of their Master Recreation Plan.


Shannex Assisted Living Complex on Schedule



Work on the Shannex Complex in Quispamsis continues, and people are expected to be living in the Retirement section by the end of the year.
Spokesperson Mike Bishop says it's an important complex for the area because it contains a place for those who are retired, and those who need assisted living, or nursing services.

The 3 buildings will contain 201 units, and will employ over 100 people.
Bishop says construction is on schedule---and if everything works out retirees will be moving in by December, with the Nursing building slated for January, and the Assisted Living building to follow next summer.

Jeffries Corner Woman Found Not Guilty of School Theft



A woman charged with stealing 19 hundred dollars from the Sussex Corner Elementary School hot lunch program has been acquitted. Catherine Armstrong of Jeffries Corner was treasurer of the Home and School Association from September 2006 until June 2007 when she resigned after being accused of taking nearly two thousand dollars.

The judge determined there was not enough evidence to convict the volunteer for stealing money raised by parents for the home and school program.

Province Releases Wellness Strategy



The provincial government has unveiled an enhanced four-year wellness strategy addressing 29 of the 49 recommendations in a final report by the Select Committee on Wellness.  Live well, be well, New Brunswick's Wellness Strategy 2009-2013, builds on the previous strategy of improving mental fitness and resilience, increasing physical activity, healthy eating, and living tobacco-free.

An Inter-departmental Deputy Ministers' Committee on Wellness will also be established.  Statistics show 34 per cent of children and youth in this province are over weight or obese, well above the Canadian average of 26 per cent.

American Vets Support Agent Orange Inquiry



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(American Legion Rep Richard Pelletier - photo by Kim Hall)

And the Canadians are getting support from American veterans -- Richard Pelletier Jr marched with the group to Thompson's office.
Pelletier tells CHSJ News American vets who trained at Base Gagetown while the spraying was conducted are being ignored by Washington as well.
Pelletier says he will muster more support for the Canadians if they are forced to march on Parliament -- he says it's a crime shared by both the American and Canadian governments.

Calls for Agent Orange Public Inquiry



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(Gary Good delivers letter to aide for Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson - photo by Gary MacDonald)

Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson is on the way home from Afghanistan -- but -- a group of military vets and civilians weren't deterred and marched on his St Stephen office demanding a full public and judicial inquiry into the spraying of Agent Orange at Base Gagetown in the 50's and 60's.
Gary Good from British Columbia is one of the organizers -- he served at Base Gagetown in the 60's -- and -- he tells CHSJ News the vets have even been abandoned by the Royal Canadian Legion.
The group says if a public inquiry isn't called by June 15th -- they will march on Parliament Hill.

MP Rob Moore Opposes Fundy National Park Expansion



Fundy Royal MP Rob Moore says he is firmly opposed to any plans to expand Fundy National Park. Moore is responding to recent discussions to take over land currently owned by the province. Moore says the idea of expanding the park has not come from New Brunswickers and he will not support it.

Crown land can be used for a wide range of activities such as camping, fishing, hunting, and the use of ATV's without fees. Those activities are strictly regulated or banned within Fundy National Park--and--Moore says residents in his riding wish to enjoy the outdoors outside of a park environment. 

AIDS Saint John Reaction to Methadone Clinic



The Executive Director of AIDS Saint John says Saint John will immediately notice a difference with a methadone clinic uptown.
Julie Dingwell says the money a drug addict needs to fuel their habit is what directs them towards criminal activity---she says an addict needs nearly $45 thousand dollars in cash a year to pay for their drug.

Dingwell says the uptown location is more convenient, because it was hard for people to get to the Ridgewood Treatment Centre in South Bay.
She says treatment, and counselling is the best way to fight drug addiction.

Gun Violence in the City



Police Chief Bill Reid says gun violence is on the rise in the city.
Reid says when officers enter a drug house, they now expect to find guns on the other side of the door.
Reid says the increase of incidents involving guns in the city is alarming.

The concern has been heightened after a 26 year old Mandarin man was shot in the head at the SunStar Lounge on Saturday around 1:30 in the morning.
No word on his condition, and the major crime unit is investigating.

More Addiction Services In the City



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[Minister Murphy Making Announcement--------Photo by Dave Briggs]

Those struggling with drug addictions in the city will have a new uptown spot to go for methadone.
Health Minister Mike Murphy says the improved access to methadone will allow those who need treatment to get it faster.

Murphy says the four doctors working 57 hours a month at Ridgewood have had their hours increased to 66 ---which will allow more methadone to be prescribed.
The Department of Health will be funding a nurse practitioner and providing office space for a clinic at the Mercantile Centre on Union Street.

The Drive for Funding Continues in Quispamsis



Murray Driscoll isn't ready to close the door on more funding for the Q-Plex. This after the provincial and federal governments each invested 6.2 million dollars into a new civic centre in St. Stephen. The Mayor of Quispamsis tells CHSJ News, he hasn't received any official word that there is no more money to spend and is going to make an approach. The much anticipated complex has already received 3.3 million in federal funding, as well as a 2.3 million dollar low interest loan from the feds. The province has kicked in 3 million dollars towards the facility.

The original design for the Q-Plex has come up $2.7 million dollars short and the Town has sent back the blue-prints to see what adjustments can be made to bring it with-in budget.

News Conference at the Imperial Theater



A news conference has been called for ten at the Imperial Theater this morning. Saint John MP Rodney Weston is speaking on behalf of the Honorable James Moore who is the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages. This would indicate Federal funding is on the way for the theaters Keep It Live campaign.

Over the weekend, Canaport LNG donated $100 thousand dollars towards the continued efforts to restore and preserve the theatre.

Methadone Newser Today



The provincial government is making an announcement today concerning improved methadone treatment in the city. Health Minister Mike Murphy and Supply and Services Minister Ed Doherty will be on hand. City Police Chief Bill Reid has been campaigning for more addiction services in the city and says the majority of crime committed in the city is due to drug addiction.

The announcement gets underway at ten at the Mercantile Centre.