Friday, October 30, 2009

The Regional Hospital offers advice on Flu-Like Symptoms

The Regional Hospital in Saint John is reminding the public that if you feel as though you are developing flu-like symptoms you are advised to stay home and reduce your contact with family members as much as possible.
If you are in one of the risk groups including pregnant women, people with underlying conditions like diabetes or feel sick enough that you would normally see a doctor.
You should seek medical attention at an after-hours clinic, family doctors office or at a walk-in clinic.
To minimize the risk of being infected you can wash your hands, cough and sneeze into a sleeve, stay home if you are sick, keep common surfaces clean and get the H1N1 vaccine.
If symptoms worsen, call and speak to your health care provider or call 1-800-580-0038.
You should only seek care at an emergency department if your symptoms suddenly get worse.

Flu Guidelines Change

The priority list for those receiving the swine flu vaccination has changed.
Kids from 6 years-old to 18 years-old are now on the list.
Previously, it was only kids 6 months old to 5 years.
Also included are pregnant women more than 20 weeks along and less than 20 weeks with underlying medical conditions, parents of children under 6 months and First Nations that live on reservations. 
Public Health has reduced the priority groups for all school clinics in District 6.
The priority groups are children, pregnant women only over 20 weeks and front line health care workers. If someone is not in one of these priority groups they will be turned away.

The province is also warning the supply of H1N1 vaccine is slow and as a result some scheduled clinics have a been cancelled. The reason is the supplier is preparing the vaccine for pregnant woman. You are encouraged to keep checking the government website for changes to the clinics schedules. Clinics that have been cancelled will be rescheduled.

Here is the link for more flu information:
And District 6:

Phone, Internet and Debit Down West

Over 2500 of Bell-Aliants West Side customers are making do with-out debit, phone and internet service. This after contractors cut through a fibre optic line yesterday which has affected both homes and businesses. Moosehead Breweries is one of them and Vice President of Communications Joel Levesque tells CHSJ News, it is a signifigant disruption.

Levesque is quick to point out that Bell-Aliant has done plenty to ensure the day to day operation at the brewery is not disrupted, transferring land lines to cell phones and setting up an auto attendant feature.

Run-Off Problems at the Landfill

Containment cells 3 and 4 were feeling the pressure of last weekends heavy rainfall. They over-flowed and when the ditch-work couldn't handle the the 116 mm's of rain in less than 12 hours. Luckily, the cells were empty and the area was cleaned and the department of environment notified. General manager of the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission Mark McLeod tells CHSJ News, the ground in the area was recovered and put back into the cell.

McLeod says he expects the test results will be returned in about a month.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Whether it's positive or negative, the Graham Government wants your feedback on yesterday's announced proposal between Hydro-Quebec and NB Power. You can call 1-800-533-3086 or visit to get more information and then leave a message on how you feel about the situation.

Premier Graham is also encouraging voters to contact their MLA's and let them know what you think about the proposal. The wording of the proposal has been given to a legislative committee for review and feedback.

Building a Future for Emergency Department at the Regional

The emergency department at the Regional Hospital is focusing on retaining local staff. Dr. Michael Howlett tells CHSJ News, things are improving at the hospital and with the Trauma Program, new medical school, and the research funding initiative it's an exciting time.

Dr. Howlett says the department is going to focus on hiring local staff and are working on a recruitment process to return to adequate staffing levels. Over the past 4 weeks there have been 3 contracts signed.

More Concern over Canadian Blood Services Move

The Canadian Blood Services distribution center's move to Dartmouth is causing concern for a local haematologist. Dr. Terrence Comeau says it will have detrimental results as platelets do not have a long enough shelf life to be moved from province to province.

Dr. Comeau adds once the platelets arrive in a different lab they will have to be re-evaluated and the more time that goes by, the less effective they become. Platelets are particles circulating through the body which acts as a plug when a person is bleeding.

Parade Deadline is Closing In

If you were planning to be in this years Saint John Sant Claus Parade, you need to get your application form in. The deadline is Monday and Leslie Keating of Uptown Saint John tells CHSJ News, people are excited about this year's theme of Christmas in Movies and Books.

To get your float, marching band or community groups in the Parade, call the hotline at 693-9797.

Schools Closed in District Ten

A high number of students not showing up to class has forced some school closures in District 10. Fundy High and St. George Elementary are closed today, Monday and Tuesday. Back Bay school is closed today and Monday. Black's Harbour and Pennfield Elementary are all closed today only.

Reports indicate so many staff are out the District is having trouble finding enough bus drivers and staff.

Comparing Residential Power Bills

When you start comparing numbers, it's hard to argue with Hydro-Quebec's bottom line. CHSJ News went to the company website and printed out a list of monthly bills for five categories of residential rate payers through Quebec compared to 11 other cities in the country including Halifax and Moncton. If your using between 625 kilowatts or up to 3000, the numbers are hard to dispute.

The bill in la Belle Province starts at under $50 dollars and goes as high as $217. In Moncton, the rates opne at just over $80 dollars and runs over $300 bucks. In Halifax, the price opens at just over $84 dollars and closes at a whopping $364.71 cents.

Poppy Campaign gets Started Today

Since 1921, it has been a symbol of rememberance and today, the annual Poppy Campaign gets underway around the country. 1500 Legion Branches and it's members will be distributing the red flowers in exchange for a donation. Bob Butt is the Regional Director with the Royal Canadian Legion and tells CHSJ News, they get plenty of help with the campaign.

The Poppy Campaign continues until November.10th.