Friday, February 19, 2010

Changes for six streets under the City's overnight parking ban

The City of Saint John is making changes to it's overnight parking ban exempting some streets.
Leah Fitzgerald tells CHSJ News it came about because of requests from residents.
She says municipal operations did an evaluation and added 6 streets to the list of streets where parking is allowed in some cases because of alternate side parking.
Fitzgerald adds residents can contact municipal operations if they see vehicles on a street where overnight parking is banned.

Here is the list of exempt streets:

McKiel Street between Morris Street and Conners Street

First Street between Cranston Avenue and Cedar Grove

Heather Way between Hickey Road and the Dead End

Mount Pleasant Avenue between Civic #86 and Civic #96

Spruce Street between Wright Street and Seely Street

Topeka Street between Edith Avenue and Park Avenue

Crown and Defense call for rehab for Hampton Teen

The prosecution says it will not seek an adult sentence for a 16 year old Hampton teenager convicted of second degree murder. She stabbed 78 year old Frank Tong to death in his Damascus home last June. Sentencing has been delayed to March 19th with the defense and prosecution jointly calling for an intense psychological rehab programme while she remains in custody. Defense lawyer Dave Lutz told the court she took a life but this programme may save her life.
He says the program is provided by government specifically for troubled youth.

The girl, who can't be identified, read a letter to the court expressing her remorse. One of Tong's daughters, in a victim impact statement, said she finds herself crying at the drop of the hat and has been left an emotional wreck.

Uptown Arson

(photo courtesy of City Police)

City police need your help is finding the people responsible for an arson at the Royal Bank in Uptown Saint John earlier this month.
It happened at the ATM on King Street on February 5th.
Police tell us a the suspect was captured on video surveillance.
If you have any information, call Police at 648-3333.

Women in Politics

         (Profile Shot of Power Point Presentation)
                    (Photo by Jim Hennessy)

Dr. Joanna Everitt was the guest speaker at a lunch and lear at the library today. The topic was women in politics and Dr. Everitt tells CHSJ News, there are a number of reasons why women shy away from politics including the party not actively recruiting and women hold back from presenting themselves as candidates.

Dr. Everitt says New Brunswick is second worst in the country for female representation at both the Provincial and Federal levels and hopes the number can reach 50% in the near future.

Update on Fire in Kennebecasis Valley

          (2 Arena Lane Just Moments After Fire Hit)
                   (Photo by Jim Hennessy)

Still plenty of questions left to answer surrounding the fire at 2 Arena lane back on the 4th. Officers tell CHSJ News, the blaze hasn't been ruled an arson and the forensic investigation continues with tests still at the lab and no time-line as to when they will be complete.

The top left hand side of the building was heavily damaged when fire broke out in the early hours of the morning. Kennebecasis Valley Fire Chief Larry Greer told us back on the 9th that the fire did get started in a piece of furniture outside of the building.

Rothesay Conservative MLA Accepts Apology

(Rothesay Conservative MLA Margaret Ann Blaney)
                    (File Photo)

Rothesay Conservative MLA Margaret Ann Blaney has accepted the apology of Saint John Lancaster MLA Abel Leblanc. It happened yesterday, a week after the Liberal MLA flipped the bird to members of the opposition and challenged any and all of them to meet him outside. Blaney tells CHSJ News, this is not the first public outburst from Leblanc and Premier Graham's reaction to both has been disappointing.
The other public outburst Blaney is referring to is last year when Leblanc, at a news conference, called for for violence in the streets over the proposed changes to Long Wharf.

New Business in Quispamsis

            (New Business in Quispamsis Plaza)
                    (Photo by Jim Hennessy)

If you can't wait for the warm weather to start working on your golf swing, you will want to hear this. A new business has opened in Quispamsis with a driving range and golf simulators to take you where the grass is green and the sun always shines. Tay-un-Kim is co-owner of Golf Rush in the plaza right next to the former Royal Bank and tells CHSJ News, they have been working on the concept since November.

Kim adds her husband Young-Su is a golf pro and is available for lessons.

Winterfest Gets Underway Running Through The Weekend

(Mayor Ivan Court)
(File Photo)

Municipalities in Greater Saint John are inviting you out to the 2nd Annual WinterFest all weekend long. There will be ice fishing in Renforth, a snow-bath in Quispamsis, skating at Lily Lake and a childrens show in Grand Bay Westfield. Saint John Mayor Ivan Court tells CHSJ News this is a nice opportunity to shake off those mid-winter blues. There is even a bartender Olympics scheduled.
The festival gets started today and runs until Sunday. You can find a complete list of events at country

Liquour Store For Kingston Peninsula Being Considered

Could the Kingston Peninsula soon be home to an NB Liquor agency store? There will be a meeting at the Legion on the Peninsula on Tuesday of next week to explore the possibility. NB Liquor spokesperson Nora Lacey tells CHSJ News, there has been an expression of interest from the community.  Lacey adds if the proposal is approved, the corporation would then issue a tender to see if an exsisting business has any interest in being home to the agency store. The meeting gets started at seven o'clock.

Search On In Bay Of Fundy For Missing Fishing Boat

The search is on over a large area of the bay of Fundy for a fishing vessel that did not return last night.The name of the vessel has not been released but two people are on board. Lt Edward Stansfield tells CHSJ News the boat spent the day fishing for scallops and a Hercules and Cormorant have been sent from Greenwood to find it. The search will intensify at daylight this morning.
Lt Stansfield was unsure where the vessel sails out of but we have been told the whole of White Head and Grand Manan is on pins and needles awaiting further word. Lt Stansfield could not confirm whether fish crates were seen bobbing in the sea.

Referendum Vote On NB Power Sale Is Defeated

An Opposition motion that called for a referendum on the controversial N-B Power deal with Hydro-Quebec was defeated in the Legislature by the Liberals. Conservative Leader David Alward says the 3.2 (b) billion dollar sale of 10 power plants will affect the future of the province and the public deserves to have a voice. But the motion was defeated by a vote of 28 to 22. Government house leader Greg Byrne says the government was elected to govern and make tough decisions.
Alward says he will continue to do whatever he can to try to stop the deal. Premier Shawn Graham says he wants to finalize the agreement by the end of March.

Abel Leblanc Apologises

(Saint John Lancaster M-L-A Abel Leblanc during last Thursday's outburst)
(File Photo)

The M-L-A from Saint John Lancaster has apologized after making a rude gesture in the provincial legislature. Abel LeBlanc was suspended for three days after raising his middle finger twice and waving his fist during a verbal attack on Opposition members last Thursday challenging to meet him outside. LeBlanc now says he's sorry and House Speaker Ray Boudreau says he has declared the matter closed and there would be no further discussion about it in the Legislature.