Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Cash on the Way for the City Market

More money is on the way for the City Market and Common Council has been told the improvement will be quite significant. The City's Commissioner of Buildings, Bill Edwards says this will be over and above what's already been spent.
City Building Inspector Amy Poffenroth is talking about upgrades to the City Market Tower.

More Positive Spinoffs for Citys Green Project

The Energy Manager for the city says the green thermal utility project will help reduce energy costs.
Samire Yammine tells CHSJ News, since the project uses energy that was previously wasted, this will help make the city more efficient in terms of producing energy.
Yammine says this will also prove to be cost effective for building owners who no longer require hot water heaters and coolers.
He also says when city hall begins getting their heating and cooling needs through the project, and entire floor of city hall will become vacant.

Incident at Atlantic Institution

RCMP and Correctional Services Canada are investigating after an assault at the Atlantic Institution in Renous.

It happened just after 9pm and the inmate was immediately taken to hospital for treatment of his injuries.
The unit where it occurred was shut down while the rest of the jail was starting regular evening lockdown procedures.
There is no suspect in the assault and the injured inmate remained overnight in hospital and is now back at the institution.