Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nature Trust Cleans Beaches

The Nature Trust of New Brunswick is making an effort to clean up the beaches in Bocabec Bay near St. Andrews today.

The stretch of shoreline was chosen for this year's Charlotte Isles clean-up and Executive Director Renata Woodward tells CHSJ they normally collect just over one ton of garbage.

Woodward says they see a lot of commercial bins, plastic containers and oil containers that get washed in from the ocean.

She says the goal is to get people involved in land conservation and land stewardship.

Bay Of Fundy At Risk

(Marine biologist Jamie Steele)
(Photo by Gary MacDonald)

A St. Andrews marine biologist says the Bay of Fundy remains a resource at risk.
Jamie Steele tells CHSJ News the bay's fragile ecosystem is linked to influences around it.

Steele says even though we strive for a balance between uses such as shipping or tourism -- we usually go too far the other way and have to backtrack to repair any damage to the ecosystem.

But -- Steele says talk of tidal power generators in the bay is miles ahead of past suggestions of large damns to harness the tides which would have a significant impact on the bay's marine life.

He says we have to become more aware of our own backyard and how we influence what happens in it.

Candidate "Runs" For Election

(Liberal candidate Gary Keating)
(File Photo)

Saint John Fundy Liberal candidate Gary Keating has plenty to do this Long Weekend.

He is strapping on his sneakers and will run from Simonds High to the caves in St. Martins which is just shy of 50 kilometers.

The question on your mind I'm sure is why?

Keating tells CHSJ News, it is a play on his campaign slogan of "Running for You" but goes further than that.

He believes it is a great way to promote the election, physical fitness and let the voters get a look at him.

Camping Season In Full Swing

As the Long Weekend rolls along, one campground owner is loving what the season has produced to this point.

Howard Haines is the owner of Harding's Point and tells CHSJ News, the Victoria Day Weekend set the tone with good numbers.

Haines says the wonderful warm weather no question is a big reason for the large numbers but a turn-around in the economy is also playing a part.

Haines adds he rarely hears complaints about the price of gas but is very pleased to see caravans from the United States making a return this summer after a dip due to the recession last year.