Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Is The Arts For Everyone Foundation?

So what is the Arts for Everyone Foundation? 

Former Saint John Mayor Norm McFarlane is spokes-person for the Foundation and tells CHSJ News, this gives children from the Boys and Girls Club along with the Teen Resource Center a place to display their musical talents. 

The foundation was established by local businessman Mike McGraw a few years ago and the lessons are held at the Atlantica Centre for the Arts.

BBQ Festival Starts Today

(The Ale House barbeques a sample of their famous ribs)
(File Photo)

If a barbeque is your thing, you will want to make a trip to Exhibition Park this weekend.

The first annual Saint John Barbeque Festival kicks off today and spokes-person Jim Kuehnel tells CHSJ News, local restaurants will be showing off what they have to offer.

Kuehnel adds along with the food they have plenty of live tunes and entertainment for the whole family.

All of the proceeds from the Festival go to the Arts For Everyone Foundation.

Harbour Bridge Stalemate

(Harbour Bridge)
(File Photo)

As construction remains on schedule for the Harbour Bridge, still no movement on finding a deal between Ottawa and the Province to remove the tolls.

Saint John MP Rodney Weston says every voter he has spoke with tells him the same thing, what is the hold-up.

With the writ to be dropped on the Provincial Election Thursday, CHSJ News asked Weston if this might be perfect timing for the Liberals to solidify a deal in which Weston replied, that is a question best left for a provincial official.

Liberals Not Fond Of Ferry Toll Removal

(Charlotte the Isles MLA Rick Doucett)
(File Photo)

A Conservative promise to remove the toll on the Grand Manan ferry if elected to power next month has left the MLA for the area shaking his head.

Rick Doucett tells CHSJ News, with no public consultation on the matter with Mayor and council or the operator of the ferry, he believes this idea was put together on the back of a napkin.

Doucett adds the Conservative proposal will cost roughly two and a half million dollars which means a ferry run would have to be lost.

Alward says it's the only ferry service of its kind in the province that charges a toll and it's unfair to island residents.

Blaney Reacts To Keir Comment

(Rothesay MLA Margaret-Ann Blaney)
(File Photo)

Finding Minister Keir's comment amusing, Rothesay Conservative MLA Margaret Ann Blaney tells us, there is a good reason why David Alward did not attend the party's open forums on energy.

She says there are two capable and knowledgeable people running the summits.

She also says he has taken part in her door to door campaign and has been in every corner of the province.

Blaney believes Minister Keir is running scared and that is what prompted the comment.

Is Alward In Hiding?

Is Conservative Leader David Alward in hiding?

Energy Minister Jack Keir believes the party has been keeping him under wraps and wants to know why he hasn't been front and center to discuss the issues.

One of them is energy and Keir tells us, the Liberal Government has taken steps to protect the assets of NB Power and it rate-payers.

Keir adds Alward didn't even bother to show for his party's open house forums recently to discuss energy.

The Amazing Chase for Liver Race

You can still get a team together for The Amazing Chase for Liver Race at Rockwood Park tomorrow.

The competition is based on the tv show "The Amazing Race" with teams of four.

Nesbitt tells CHSJ News anyone can still take part by showing up at Rockwood at 1pm on Sunday.
Volunteer Anna Nesbitt tells CHSJ news her friend Kristin Wheaton, who suffers with the liver disorder, PSC, put the event together in hopes of forming a Saint John chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation.
The fundraiser works with four person teams and registration is $30 per person and $100 per team.
For more information go to