Monday, August 15, 2011

Airport Hopes New Municipal Plan Won't Limit Development

Some concern being expressed by Saint John Airport about the new municipal plan that will guide future urban development over the next generation. The plan is expected to be adopted by Common Council at the end of this year.

Airport President and C-E-O Bernie Leblanc is hoping it won't turn out to restrict future development of the airport. Plan SJ envisions aeronautical type development but Leblanc doesn't want to see it restricted to just that.

Leblanc says the airport right now is no longer supported by the federal government and depends largely on passengers for its revenue. He warns it will take alot of money in 2018 or 2019 to resurface the airport's runways.

Deputy Mayor Stephen Chase has said the airport could face closure a few years down the road but Leblanc characterises that warning as "too dire".