Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Liberal Leader Makes Stop In Saint John

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff paying Saint John a visit on his campaign trail.

When asked about what he would do about the long surgical wait times and shortage of doctors in the province, he says he would meet with the Premiers of each province within sixty days of being elected in order to address those issues.

He says another target in his sights would be improving home-care service, noting that the Liberals are the only party to have a home-care plan in their platform.

Tillis And Morgan To Bring Combo Tour To Saint John

Two legendary country singers are bringing their two-woman show to Saint John in June.
Pam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan are both daughters of country royalty but have successful careers on their own.
Tillis is the daughter of singer-songwriter Mel Tillis and Morgan is the daughter of George Morgan famous for his song "Candy Kisses".
Pam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan bring "The Grits and Glamour Tour" to the Imperial Theatre on June 13th.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow. For the link and the number to get tickets click here

NDP Candidate Slams Conservatives Over Safe, Clean Drinking Water

The NDP candidate who's running in Saint John, Rob Moir says if the Conservatives didn't reduce the corporate tax rate, the money might have been there to help pay for safe, clean drinking water.

It's Common Council's number one priority but Moir tells CHSJ News the cupboard is bare at City Hall because there are other things that need fixing such as the roads

 Moir questions how much of a priority safe drinking water can be for incumbant Rodney Weston when he supports the lower corporate tax rate.

The city is looking for 57.4 million dollars in funding from the federal government.

Port Authority At Odds With Commercial Fishermen

Controversy has arisen over the Saint John Port Authority's new land use plan. There's no mention in that plan about there being a place at the port for commercial fishermen.

 Nicholas Paul, the policy analyst with the Maliseet Nation Conservation Council, tells CHSJ News they got a letter last month telling them to vacate the port by the end of June. The Commercial Fisheries Manager with the St. Mary's First Nation, Jeremy Paul maintains that won't happen because the order violates their treaty rights.

The President and C-E-O for the Port Authority Jim Quinn says he wants to find both a short term solution and long term one.
Stephen Campbell, who chairs the Board of Directors at the Port Authority, argues the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans will have to step up to the plate if there is to be a long term solution found.

Emergency Calls For The Ken Valley Now Handled By The City

The way emergency calls are being handled for the Ken Valley are undergoing a change. 

This means any 911 calls answered by the Saint John communications centre will be dispatched directly to Rothesay Police or the KV Fire Department, bypassing the Rothesay Regional Police comm centre.

Saint John Police Chief Bill Reid says this will cut down on response times compared to the old system and the process will be seamless for residents.

Rothesay is paying the Saint John Police Force about 270-thousand dollars annually for the service.

Another Robbery In City

City Police looking for two people after a holdup at the Petro Can at Loch Lomand Road and McAllister Drive.

The pair ran off with an undisclosed amount of cash.

Police tell CHSJ News no one was injured.

Protest Outside Cathedral For Women's Equality

A number of demonstrators with placards calling for the ordination of women as priests showing up last night outside the cathedral on Waterloo Street.

Cathy Holtman of the Catholic Network for Women's Equality concedes the Vatican is excommunicating those women who have been ordained along with the clerics who support them.

 She believes the Church heirarchy's heavy handedness shows how worried the Vatican is about this issue and support ordination of woman has among the parishioners.

Holtman also finds it odd the bishops who covered up the fact priests were sexually abusing young people in their dioceses have not been excommunicated.

Saint John Gets First Visit From Federal Party Leader

Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff visits the Port City today to glad hand with local party faithful.

Ignatieff will attend a Liberal party meet and greet at the Saint John Ale House at 12:15 and will speak to the media following that event. He heads to Nova Scotia from Saint John for another campaign event.

NDP Leader Jack Layton is expected in the city on Monday. The details of his visit have not been released.

Conservative leader Stephen Harper is making a quick trip to the province today as well but his itinerary doesn't include Saint John. Harper will make a quick stop in Edmundston this afternoon then it's on to Fredericton for a rally this evening.

Premier's Energy Commission Wants Baseboard Heaters Banned

Electricity consumers may soon be paying far more if they are energy hogs -- the provincial energy commission is making the recommendation based on feedback during public consultations since last fall.

Co-chair Bill Thompson says it would involve a second more expensive rate tier for electricity rates. He has heard from alot of people they find it odd the more power that was consumed resulted in a reduced rate even though it's costing more to produce that electricity.

Thompson says the commission is also recommending the government pass legislation banning electric baseboard heaters. He says we should be moving to natural gas as a transition fuel to more renewable energy sources.

The commission will send its proposed ten year energy plan to government next month.