Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crash Causes Only Minor Injuries

 No serious injuries but two smashed up cars after a two vehicle accident at the corner of Lepreau Village Road.

The Musquash Fire Department responding to the call near Route 790 just after one o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Two women who were headed east bound had to be removed from the car using stabilization equipment after the red S.U.V. they were driving ended up in the ditch.

The driver of a pickup truck also involved in the crash did not need to go to the hospital.

Firefighters were at the scene of the crash for an hour and a half removing the damaged cars and directing traffic in the area.

Ferry Launch Deja Vu For MLA

Former Fundy Isles MLA Eric Allaby says it was quite the experience a part of the maiden voyage of the new Grand Manan Ferry.

He tells CHSJ News it's amazing to have experienced the launch of two new ferries in his lifetime.

Allaby served the Grand Manan area as a Liberal MLA from 1987 to 2006.

He says the new ferry will enhance business opportunities for the island.

Researchers Try Salt Water Salmon Rearing

With the number of hatchery-raised salmon that return to the river system each year dwindling, researchers are experimenting with raising salmon in salt water.

Betty House with the Atlantic Fish Farmers Association tells CHSJ News 2000 salmon are being raised in a sea cage instead of a hatchery to see if a more natural environment gives them a better chance at survival.

House says about 2000 young salmon will be tagged and released from their salt water holding pens in five or six weeks to see how they do.

House says Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon have been on the list of at-risk species since 2003, and this experiment will help research figure out why that's the case.

Movies In The Park Drawing Large Crowds

Outdoor movies at Lily Lake Pavilion proving to be a huge hit this summer.

Facilities manager Cathy Taylor tells CHSJ News crowds gather every Tuesday night to watch a family movie on the park's mega, 18 by 30 foot screen.

She says the renovations to Rockwood Park have made everything easily accessible, and the movies draw bigger crowds every week as more and more people tell their friends.

Taylor says there are three weeks of family movies left thanks to money raised at their annual pond hockey tournament.

For more information, and to find out which movies are playing for the rest of the summer, follow this link.

Capital Campaign Going Well, Co-Chair Says

The Boys and Girls Club "Heart of the Possible Campaign" hitting the two month mark as they try to raise 750 thousand dollars for club improvements and programs.

Campaign Co-Chair David Merrithew tells CHSJ News they've already raised about 425 thousand dollars and are using the first chunk of change to order a new van.

Merrithew says he's very hopeful the club will raise the rest of the money.

He says people get busy in the summer and it can slow the process down, but many businesses have expressed interest and support for the campaign.

Lepreau Refurbishment On Track

Good news from Point Lepreau-- Refurbishment Director Rod Eagles says he's pleased with AECL's quick transition from putting in calandria tubes to installing fuel channels. 

Now that the calandria tubes are in, the reactor needs 380 fuel channels to be installed. 

An update says six per cent of the work is done and things are on track to have all of the retubing completed by May of 2012. 

The nuclear power plant is scheduled to come back online in the fall of that year.