Tuesday, September 20, 2011

District 8 Saves Carpentry Program For This Year

District 8 doing what they can to help improve the skilled trades numbers in the Province.
With looming budget cuts, there are fears the popular carpenter training program may face the axe.
Rob Fowler says it gives high school kids a chance to get some training.

He says it's 6 weeks in the classroom and a co-op where the student in actually on a construction site getting hands on experience.

Fowler gives credit to Director of Finance Chris Toole and Acting Superintendent Robert Johnson
for finding the funding to keep the program around for this school year.

Financial Woes Of Europe and U.S.A. Should Not Worry Canadians

The Governor of the Bank of Canada is telling Canadians that the financial problems currently facing Europe and the U.S. have little bearing our country's bottom line.

Speaking at a business luncheon today in the city, Mark Carney says one shouldn't be paralyzed by the fiscal woes going on in Europe and the U.S.

He says the Bank of Canada is there to protect and boost and economy, such as keeping prices stable.

He says given the downturn in exports to the U.S., Canada needs to begin making headway into emerging markets like China.

The Give Gets Closer To Goal

The Region is stepping up for The Give 2011 as they get closer to their goal of $680,000 for a new stem cell therapy in Saint John.

St. Stephen Town Council donating $5,000 last night, the Sussex Health Centre Auxiliary giving $10,000 yesterday and last month PotashCorp gave $50,000 to the campaign.   The fundraiser also bring in $1500 dollars back in July at the Salty Jam Music Festival.

Dr. Terrence Comeau says doing stem cell treatment in Saint John will lead to natural spin-offs like gene therapy.
For more info, click here

Bank Governor Predicts Growth Will Resume

The Bank of Canada Governor says he expects economic growth will resume in the second half of this year.
And Mark Carney is telling a business luncheon here in the city he doesn't expect the U-S to slip back into recession although he admits the risk is now much higher.

Saint Johner Gets Post On Invest NB Board

 Saint John, the first stop today for the Premier as he launches Invest NB with a goal to attract foreign investment to the Province and improve our gross domestic product.
Premier David Alward unveiling Invest NB's new board of directors today and announcing the business plan framework.
Board Member Helena Cain of Bell Aliant in Saint John says Invest NB will bring focus.

She says having a private sector board that understands how to work in this province sends a strong message.

Premier Alward says in terms of foreign markets because of our location we will always look to the U.S. but also the Asian and South American markets.

Longshoremen In City Set Up Strike Headquarters

There's no indication a walkout will be happening anytime soon but, nevertheless, strike headquarters has been set up by longshoremen in the city not far from the port on the West Side.

Local 273 of the International Longshoremen's Association is negotiating with Logistec Stevedoring which has just signed a new long term deal to operate out of the port.

The two sides are in conciliation right now and no deadline has been announced for actual strike action.

CHSJ News has been told the strike headquarters was set up just in case a new agreement isn't worked out.

Premier Unveils Details About Invest N-B

Premier Alward, Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud and Invest NB's Robert MacLeod are launching the business plan framework and announcing members of the board of directors at news conference underway at the Delta.

The new crown corporation aims to increase the provincial gross domestic product by $293 million over the next three years.

The board members include Denis Losier of Assumption Life, Helena Cain of Bell Aliant and Eddy Campell of UNB.

Some People In Red Head Advised To Boil Their Water

There's a precautionary boil water advisory in effect for those people who live in the Harbourview Subdivision.

This comes about because Saint John Water is introducing chlorinated water from the Ocean Drive well into the system. The chlorinated water will be phased in over a period of several days.

The boil water advisory is to ensure the water you drink meets Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. We're told you will be notified door to door when the boil water advisory is lifted.