Mel & Shel Celebrate Victory

1: The new Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Mel Norton and Shelley Rinehart, celebrate their victory at Rinehart's campaign headquarters. 

2: Mayor Norton shares his news with supporters flanked by his mother and father.

3: CHSJ News Reporter Nelson Hum was on the scene as the election was called for newly-minted Deputy Mayor Shelley Rinehart

Anticipation Running High as Polls Close

With the polls closing just moments ago, it's now time for taxpayers, politicians, and supporters to sit back as await the results of the 2012 municipal election. Paul Harpelle of Elections NB tells CHSJ News he's been speaking with returning officers all over the province.

He reports a steady turnout at most polling stations from the time they opened at 10am until they closed this evening at 8pm.

Harpelle says the turnout of the advance polls is an indicator of strong interest in this election, with more that 40,000 people voting in advance. Harpelle says now that the voting has closed, they're simply making sure that technology doesn't fail and working to get the results out as soon as possible.

Municipal Elections 2012

Moose Draw Applications Now Available

If you're hoping to bag a swamp donkey this year - you can now apply for the annual moose hunting licence draw.
And the Natural Resources Department is making an additional 260-licenses available bringing the total number to 4624-licenses.
You can apply for the draw in person at any Natural Resources Department office or Service New Brunswick or apply by phone or online.
Results of the computerized draw will be available July 9th with the actual moose hunting season running between September 27th and 29th - for more information click here.

Fires In Martinon And The Old North End

A garage and a house on fire at 44 Nature's Way near Martinon this afternoon. Fire crews getting a call around 2:40pm that a garage was in flames and spreading to the nearby house.

According to early reports, a neighbor reportedflames issuing from the garage and a sound of explosions that might have been propane tanks.

No one appears to have been home at the time. The Westfield Fire department has been notified to get a tanker ready. No word yet on the extent of the damage. 

Late yesterday afternoon, a fire broke out in an abandoned building at 137 Victoria Street. Fire crews had to extinguish the flames which consumed two floors of the three storey building. The cause is suspicious. There were no injuries.

Prostitution Laws Could Change

Even in small cities like Saint John, prostitution remains an issue--and according to UNB professor Leslie Jefferies,major changes could be afoot in laws governing sex work. Jefferies tells CHSJ News the Ontario Supreme Court is currently deciding whether the laws regarding sex work are unconstitional. She says forcing women who work on the streets instead of indoors exposes them to the risk of physically assault, robbery, or murder.

Jefferies tells CHSJ News AIDs Saint John and other agencies are working together to help sex workersby forming a new coalition to deal with the issue of sex work. They aim to create partnerships between all the community agencies who work with prostitutes, as well as those affected by the trade.

Jefferies says those involved in last year's bawdy house bust on Waterloo Street weren't criminally charged because the law is under review. She says if the laws do change outreach organizations need to be ready with a sensible policy.

More Break-Ins on the Peninsula

A rash of break-ins on the Kingston Peninsula continuing with another incident in Erb's Cove. Recently camps were broken into in nearby Gorham's Bluff and Shamper's Bluff with property being set on fire and jerry cans of gas stolen.

Corporal Pat Cole of the RCMP tells CHSJ News his theory on the thefts--that people don't tend to steal gas without intending to either fill up their getaway vehicle, or starting fires.

Cole urges anyone who sees anything out of the ordinary to call RCMP at 832-5566 during the day, or the toll free number is 1-888 506 7267.

Fraudsters Target Saint John Area Computer Owners

The City police Fraud unit is looking into reports that personal computers are being taken over by fraudsters targeting the Saint John area.

This is how it works: You get a call from someone saying they work at Microsoft who informs you that a virus has been detected in your computer.
They then ask you to press a series of keys to remove it and that action will give them acccess to your computer.

In another case, the fraudster calls you about a virus, attempts to sell you anti-virus software asking for your credit card number over the phone.

City police warn you against providing credit card numbers or banking information over the phone unless you made the initial call yourself and anyone having an issue with their computer should take it to a reputable service center.

P.U.L.S.E. Can Get You To The Polls

If you live in the south end and can't get out to vote today, P.U.L.S.E. wants to help.

The People United for the Lower South End are providing transportation to the polling station on Leinster Street from their office on Wentworth street or if need be from your door.

Carl Trickey of P.U.L.S.E. tells CHSJ News they want to make sure anyone with mobility issues can get to the polls today.  To get a lift to the polls, call 632-6807 or drop by 251 Wentworth Street.

P.U.L.S.E is also taking part in the SJ Votes initiative to increase voter turnout and will be taking part in a free BBQ at the Carmarthen Street Fire Station from 4-6pm.

The polls are open until 8 tonight.

Live coverage of the election results begin on Country 94 after the polls close at 8 with your host CHSJ News Director Brian McLain and former Saint John Mayor Norm McFarlane.

You can listen live by clicking here

Joshua Group Losing Its Temporary Home

The Joshua Group will soon be without a home again by the end of the month, according to its Director Kathy Curwin. 

She says they're just found out they will no longer be able to use the Somerset Community Centre in the north end after the next two weekends because of cuts to the city's recreation budget.

Joshua Group founder Bobby Hayes doesn't blame the city saying it did all it could to help out but he has no idea what will happen next. 

The Joshua Group has been there temporarily since November of 2010. It recently launched a fundraising campaign to raise enough money to buy the Old Peacock's property on Sandy Point Road.

Hayes concedes they wopuld have to raise another 100 thousand dollars in order to move into the Peacock's building and that's a tall order with alot of community help needed.

Introducing Your New Common Council

Here's what your next common common council is going to look like, Saint John. Mel Norton cleaned up in the mayor with incumbent mayor Ivan Court conceding early in the race. The Deputy Mayor will be former UNB Dean of Business Shelley Rinehart, who Norton calls "one of his favourite people."

It's going to be another brother act around the council horseshoe with Greg Norton representing Ward 1. Common councillor Bill Farren has been re-elected for another term. Business owner Susan Fullerton and education council member John MacKenzie will be the faces representing Ward 2. Incumbent Donnie Snook is back to finish what he started joined by uptown advocate Donna Reardon.

David Merrithew is carrying on the family legacy of his uncle federal politician Gerry Merrithew as councilor for Ward 4. Volunteer & paramedic Ray Strowbridge is also representing that Ward.

One Change Hopes Neighbourhood Revitalisation Won't Stop

What will happen to the city with the election of a new Common Council remains to be seen. 

32 candidates are running for the 11 spots on Council.  Budgets are tight and the expectation is, they will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Despite that, Tammy Calvin of One Change in the old North End doesn't want to see the revitalisation in that part of town grind to a halt.

She would like to start seeing construction take place on the empty lots where derelict buildings have been torn down. 

Calvin says with all the effort that has been made over the last four years, she's hoping the image of the old North End is better than it was.

In the Valley Mayoral races, Bill Bishop is being challenged in Rothesay by Kathryn Hansen and in Quispamsis, Murray Driscoll is facing Beth Fitzpatrick. In Hampton, incumbant Mayor Ken Chorley faces off against Hugh Baird.

Live election coverage with CHSJ's Brian McLain and former Mayor Norm McFarlane  will begin on Country 94 when the polls close at 8.