Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grass Fires a Problem

With summer almost here it's time to be careful about outdoor fires. Fire Investigator Mark Wilson tells CHSJ News people often aren't aware of the potential problems when they start a blaze, thinking they can control it no matter what. Actually, he says, factors like high winds and the type of fuel being used can make things unpredictable.

There used to be controlled burning allowed in the city but it's no longer allowed as the fire department found too many were getting out of control, as happened in Red Head last month when a man accidentally burned down his garage and part of his home.

Social Opportunity for Alzheimers Patients

Alzheimer's Disease and dementia are isolating illnesses--and that isolation can speed the progress of the disease. But a new concept here in Saint John is giving people with the disease a chance to socialize. The Alzheimer's Cafe gives people and their caregivers a chance to socialize in a non-judgemental environment. The idea started in the Netherlands and has become popular all over the world.

The last cafe of the season is coming up Sunday May 27th at St. Mark's on Dexter Drive on the West side. It runs from 2-4pm and including a speaker on falls, food and entertainment.