Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jet Boat Co-Owner Wants Reimbursement, Protocol For Water Rescues

When something goes wrong at the Reversing Falls, many times, the jet boat is the first on the scene.

But the co-owner of the tourist attraction, Marc Gosselin, says it's bad for business and he's gone to the City Manager, Pat Woods, asking for reimbursement and for a protocol to be put into place for water rescues.

As he waits for an answer, Gosselin tells CHSJ News he's not optimistic. He says they've been taking part in these water rescues for the past 19 years, and the issue was brought up five years ago and nothing changed, so he doesn't see things changing now.

He says the business ultimately loses out because they have to shut down the entire operation while a rescue takes place, and in the midst of an already-slow tourism season, the sight of emergency vehicles turns tourists away.

Gosselin says they respond to a minimum of two rescues a year. In July alone, they responded to at least two.

Alleged Drug Dealer Arrested In The South End

A 48 year old Saint John man has been arrested by the Street Crime Unit and is facing several drug trafficking charges.

Several police units worked together on a take down of Gary Nicholas Northrup, which happened on Carmarthen Street near Duke Street in the South End at around 2:20 p.m. Monday afternoon. 

He made a court appearance today to answer to the charges and was remanded. He is due back in court tomorrow for sentencing.   

Police Investigating Armed Robbery In South End

Three masked men who carried out an armed robbery at an apartment in the South end making away with the victims' property. 

Police received the call about the robbery on Mecklenburg Street just after 12am.

They describe the suspects as being in their late teens or early 20s, between 5'4 and 5'6 tall with a slim to medium build. They were dressed in dark clothing, including hoodies with the hoods up.

They're asking anyone who has any information about this crime to contact them at 648-3333 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). You can also provide information anonymously on the NB Crime Stoppers Website:

Teen Arrested In Gunpoint Robbery

A teenager is facing charges  after a robbery at gun point last night in Rothesay.

Police got the call that a man was robbed with a weapon and the suspect made off with a small amount of cash. The victim wasn't hurt.

Last night police received a report of a man who was robbed at gun point in Rothesay. A small amount of money was taken but the victim was unharmed.

A total of three men are in custody in connection with the incident. An 18 year old will appear in court tomorrow.

Police Investigating Fatal Highway Crash

A woman was killed early this morning in a highway crash.

The single-vehicle collision happened at 8:20am on the TransCanada Highway at kilometre marker 214, near Meductic. 

There were two women and two children in the car. One woman died at the scene and the others were brought to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

RCMP say it's believed the driver lost control of the vehicle and it rolled several times.

A collision re-constructionist is helping with the investigation.

Traffic was reduced to one lane.

Parking/Transit Need To Work Together

In any urban center, parking and transit are intertwined--and one common councillor would like to see the parking and transit commissions amalgamated to cut down on costs. 

 Donna Reardon telling common council she thinks it's the ethical responsibility of the city to provide a transit system that works best for citizens who don't have any other option.

Reardon says by joining together the transit and parking commissions the city can save a lot of money and avoid duplicating services.

Councillor Bill Farren warns it could be a long process considering the city first started talking about amalgamating the boards back in 2004-2005.

Diving Death Prompts Swimming Safety Advisory

In the wake of the recent diving death of a young man, the RCMP are asking that swimmers be safe in unfamiliar waters.

A 21 year-old from Gaspereau Falls was taken to hospital on July 20 after he dove head-first off a dock in the Cumberland Bay area into about a foot of water. Timothy Robinson of Gaspereau Falls suffered a spinal cord injury and died the the next day.

Police believe it was an accident, but they're still investigating the exact circumstances.

Sergeant Joel Saule of the Oromocto RCMP says they just want people to stay safe in or near the water, because one decision can have tragic or lifelong consequences.

The Mounties have some tips if you want to take a dip in waters you don't know well: Check the depth of the water and make sure there are no hazards, only dive into clear, unobstructed water and enter the water feet-first unless you know the water is deep enough to dive.

Some Businesses Have A Week To Take Down Signs

If you drove into Saint John as a visitor, you might think the whole city was for sale.

In SJ, many of businesses appear to think public property is fair game to put up their signs and advertisements--and that attitude, according to common council, is taking away from the atmosphere of the city. 

Common Councillor Shirley McAlary warning the public in the coming weeks city crews will be on the lookout for rogue signs. Ones that don't comply with the bylaws will be confiscated and the business owners will have to pay a fine to get them back.

McAlary points out Halifax charges on a yearly basis for signs placed on public land.

Another Attempt At Finding Common Ground On Shale Gas

The Atlantica Centre for Energy taking another step toward trying to find common ground on the energy future of the province with the release of another video. 

Opinion is divided right down the middle on shale gas and it doesn't appear as if minds can be changed. Atlantica's John Herron tells CHSJ News the videos will be offering up different perspectives on how the province should proceed.

He says neither industry nor the government should lead the discussion andbelieves it could be the Energy Institute through Louis LaPierre with a citizens roundtable.

Herron warns protests happen when people don't think they're being listened to.

VIDEO: Police Want Your Help Identifying Robbery Suspects

The RCMP want your help investigating a break, enter and theft at a pharmacy in Salisbury. They're now releasing surveillance video of two suspects, in hopes that the public can help to identify them.

Last Saturday between 2 and  3a.m., two people broke into a pharmacy on Main Street and took off with prescription drugs and money. Both suspects were dressed in black with their heads and faces covered.

Anyone with information about this incident, or who may recognize either of the individuals in the video, is asked to contact the RCMP, or to provide information anonymously through Crime Stoppers at or 1-8000-222-TIPS (8477).

Home Invasion In The South End

Three armed robbers with their faces concealed carried out a home invasion in the south end. 

This took place in an apartment in the Mecklenberg Street area. 

Five people were in the apartment at the time and no one was seriously hurt but there were minor injuries.