Friday, February 21, 2014

Diabetes Test Strips Not Included In Drug Plan

Provincial Health Minister Ted Flemming is scratching his head wondering why the Liberals are after him about not including test strips for diabetes in the new provincial prescription drug plan.

He says it baffles him as to why anyone would think a medical supply that is not a drug would be included in a drug plan.

Flemming maintains the test strips are not considered a drug but the government is working with people with diabetes and making progress.

Draft Regulations For Drug Plan Now Online

Draft regulations for the New Brunswick Drug Plan are now online for public review and comment

The regulations will establish premiums and co-payments, outline the rules for enrolment and also the requirements for insurers and pharmacies.

 Health Minister Hugh Flemming claims the plan will help New Brunswickers avoid catastrophic drug costs and ensure that prescription drug insurance is available to every New Brunswicker.

To look at the draft regulations click here

Higgs Pledges To Fix Problems With Provincial Pensions

Finance Minister Blaine Higgs is pledging to fix the problems plaguing provincial government pensions despite the flak he's getting over the changeover to the shared risk model.

He says when you talk to some of the unions who say it won't work for them now, it's interested that the Shared Risk Model seemed to work for them when their pensions were about to collapse.

Higgs says he finds that ironic.

Love Twitter? Addicted To Instagram? You Might Like This

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media are a great means of connecting with the community and getting your personal message out to the world--and Saint Johners are becoming increasingly connected online.

That probably explains the popularity of The Saltys. The annual social media awards honour the local people that make our online lives a little more interesting.

Craig Allen of Uptown Saint John tells CHSJ News the finalists tend to exemplify a positive attitude toward Saint John and offer something unique in their social media presence. CHSJ News Reporter Julia Wright is nominated in the Twitter Person of the Year Category.

There will be a party at the Alehouse next Thursday where the winners will be announced. To cast your vote and for more information, click here

A Change Of Plan To Get Rid Of All That Snow

It's been an intense series of snowstorms this week...and with the banks still towering over many densely-populated streets, city crews are working to ensure the roadways stay clear. 

It's been quite a battle according to Transportation Commissioner Kevin Rice. He tells CHSJ News they've reached a bit of an impasse when it comes to the Southern Peninsula, Old North End, and lower West Side because there's no more room to push the snow back to. There have also been problems with keeping some of the snow plowing equipment on the roads.

During the day and night crews will be working to remove snow and haul it to their snow dump by truck or also do what's referred to as free blowing of snow onto lawns. 

Rice says rain in the forecast tonight could also complicate matters with localized flooding.

Meantime, a snowplow operator making his rounds came across a little girl dressed in a snow suit shortly after 4:30 this morning. Police were called to make sure she wouldn't be harmed.

West Side Fire

No word on a cause as the fire department investigates what started a fire early Thursday morning on the west side along Field Road off the Acamac Backland Road. 

It was contained to the basement with one person suffered smoke inhalation.