Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hundreds Of Teachers, Retirees Attend Pension Rally

About seven hundred Saint John teachers and retirees showing up on M-L-A Trevor Holder's doorstep to talk to him about pension plans. 

The rally being held outside Holder's constituency office and Peter Fullerton of the New Brunswick Teachers Federation their rallies are to make M-L-As aware there's a proposal on the table they believe is strong and credible, and they want the members to do their homework. According to Fullerton, Holder was given a letter asking him to confirm he's carefully read their pension reform counter-proposal.

Fullerton tells CHSJ News the only way you can solve the current pension problem is through collaboration, and that's what the organization is looking to do.

Provincial Finance Minister Blaine Higgs wants legislation passed during this session of the Legislature to change teacher pensions over to the shared risk model.

Province Sells Plane For $2.5 Million

The New Brunswick government has announced it's selling off its 2006 King Air B200 aircraft for $2.5 million (U.S.) to part of Alberta's air ambulance service.

According to Transportation Minister Claude Williams, the sale will help the province meet its fiscal challenges.

The plane cost the province about $896,000 dollars annually.

Preparing For A Spring Blizzard

With up to 40 centimetre's of snow on the way and a blizzard warning, Saint Johners need to get ready.

Fire Chief Kevin Clifford tells CHSJ News everyone needs to prepare for 72 hours and potentially being without power meaning two litres of water per person and battery operated radios and flashlights.

Clifford says people should also have dry goods and small amounts of money on hand.

A blizzard warning has been issued with the snow beginning in the morning and the potential for near zero visibility.

For more info on how to prepare for the storm, click here and to see how the City is getting click here

Man Causes Concern On Foster Thurston

A 38-year-old man was left cooling his heels in jail for the night after causing a disturbance on Foster Thurston Drive early this morning.

City Police got a call around 12:30 about a man standing in the middle of the road who was putting himself in danger. When police arrived, the driver was charged with refusing a breathalyzer and drunk driving.

He's now looking at a mandatory 90 day suspension of his driver's license suspension and a future date in court. 

Summit To Discuss Future Of Lobster Industry

Lobster makes more money for Atlantic Canadians than any other fishery--and a summit kicking off tomorrow in Halifax will determine the future of that industry.

Fisheries ministers from all Maritime provinces, as well as over 200 fishers, processors and industry experts, will discuss recommendations from the Maritime Lobster Panel. The ideas include establishing an independent lobster intelligence institute, developing better marketing, price-setting, and a process for an industry levy.

The summit runs until Thursday.

Barbers And Cosmetologists Split Hairs

The New Brunswick barbers and cosmetologists associations could be said to be splitting hairs over a bill determining whether you should can have both a hairdressing and barbering license.; however, for the professionals involved, it's serious business.

West Side barber Blaine Harris says he doesn't see why you can't have both.

Cosmetology student Glenda Grover says the current legislation is keeping her from doing the work she wants, because she has to turn away male customers seeking a shave and send them to a barber.

The cosmetologists say they're willing to amend the bill to make sure it doesn't bar anyone from practicing their chosen profession. A government committee is currently considering the motion in a closed meeting.

Local Business Woman Looks To Jump Into Politics

The co-founder of Fusion and former owner and operator of Handworks Gallery is now embarking on a new venture.

Grand Bay-Westfield resident Shannon Merrifield is stepping into politics, seeking the Liberal nomination in the new riding of Kings Centre. 

Merrified tells CHSJ News giving future generations the opportunity to build a life in the area is one issue she will focus on. 

Merrifield says she will be making the rounds over the next several weeks, listening to the issues of the people living in the riding.  

The date for the nomination convention has not yet been set.

Surf City Synchro Hosts Former Olympian

A synchronized swimmer, who went to the Olympic games in Beijing and London, offering her expertise to some young swimmers in the region.

The Surf City Synchro synchronized swimming club brought in Tracy Little to work with them at the aquatic centre.

Little tells CHSJ News at her first olympics she was the underdog.

She says she has Olympians on her team telling her what to do and telling her how to handle the stress and how to perform and in Beijing she was the leader helping the younger members of the team.

Swimmer Anna Streeter says she joined because her sister was involved.

She tells us she wanted to do it because it looked so pretty.

The Surf City Synchro Club is hosting a national competition at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre in 2015.

For more info on the club, click here

Princess of Acadia Not Crossing In The Morning

The impending blizzard forcing the cancellation of the Princess of the Acadia from Saint John to Digby tomorrow morning at 9am.

Funeral Service Later This Week For Mom Who Was Killed

A funeral service will be held Friday afternoon for 45 year old Cynthia Irving who was murdered over weekend in the south end. She was found dead when police were called to 205 Carmarthen Street on Sunday. 

The funeral service will take place at Forest Hills Baptist Church on Friday at 2 in the afternoon. 

Cindy, as her friends called her, worked as a pharmacy technician at the Superstore in Millidgeville and leaves behind 4 children and a grandson. 

Her husband, 53 year old Joseph Paul Irving has been charged with second degree murder.

Schoolbus Collision

A collision yesterday afternoon at Somerset Street and Millidge Avenue between a schoolbus and City Transit bus. 

The schoolbus had something like 30 students on board and was on its way to the Sistema Program. 

The students were taken to the hospital to be examined but according to the Anglophone South School District were okay.

Brunt Of Storm Will Be During The Day Tomorrow

Environment Canada issuing a special weather statement warning of blizzard conditions during the day tomorrow with near zero visibilty at times. 

A very intense low pressure system is expected to track south of Nova Scotia, bringing with it strong winds and significant snowfall starting tomorrow morning. The heaviest snow will be in the south and east of the province with amounts up to 40 centimeters are expected. 

The storm system will be moving out of our area tomorrow night.

Fires Destroy Home And Van

No word on a cause yet but a family at Little Lepreau is now homeless after their house went up in flames. The couple and 12-month-old daughter are staying with relatives.

A van was destroyed by fire on Lakeview Drive early this morning. That blaze also caused damage to the siding and windows of a home that was nearby.