Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Air Quality Results for 2008 in Greater Saint John

The air is getting cleaner in Greater Saint John according to the latest numbers from the 2008 Air Quality Monitoring Results.
At all five monitoring sites, both carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide levels are well below or did not go past the one hour, 24 hour or yearly objectives.

Sulphur Dioxide levels were not as favourable, up over the exceptable level one time at the Forest Hills Site on July.30th of 2008 for the hourly rate and at the Grandview Avenue West site for the one hour objective as well.

The number of times Sulphur Dioxide levels jumped over the acceptable daily level at the GrandView Avenue West site is up from 11 to 68 in 2008.

It's important to note how-ever, all of the spikes happened before the Irving Oil Refinery installed a new piece of equipment to capture So2.

In the Coleson Cove Area, there were no spikes of sulphur dioxide.