Friday, June 18, 2010

City Seminar On Domestic Homicide

(Dr. Deborah Doherty and the Silent Witness Red Silhouette)
(photo by Tamara Steele)

Finding the risk factors of domestic homicide the focus of a Lunch and Learn today at the Saint John Public Library.
Dr. Deborah Doherty analyzed 35 cases in the province where women were killed by their spouse or intimate partner.

Doherty tells CHSJ News that in these cases, we need to make sense of the senseless.
She says in most cases there is a history of violence with threats like "i'll kill you if you leave".

Doherty is part of the New Brunswick Silent Witness committee which is a group of agencies that work with communities and famillies to create life-size red wooden silhouettes to represent a woman who lost her life at the hands of her partner.