Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rothesay Town Council Approves Plan To Alleviate Flooding In Oakville Acres

(Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop)
         (File Photo)

People living in Oakville Acres will be getting a solution to their flooding problem over the summer, but it's not the one they wanted to see happen first. Town Council is going ahead with a Clear Water System which will fix drainage problems underground. But Jim Sherrard of the Oakville Acres Citizens Committee says council should build a retention pond first to keep the water out of the subdivision.
Sherrard fears if there's a major rainfall the properties will still be flooded. He adds there is also an expectation homeowners will have to pay to hook themselves up to the underground drainage system, which could cost up to 10,000 dollars per household. For his part, Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop says Council has full intention of building the retention pond after they purchase the land for it and no one is going to pay 10,000 dollars to get their house hooked up to the drainage system.