Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trauma Care Line Stirs Debate

(Rothesay M-L-A Margaret Ann Blaney)
                 (File Photo)

It was unveiled back in February but still no sign of the Province's new toll free trauma line. It is part of the new co-ordinated trauma system designed to connect emergency rooms so physicians can communicate. The start up date was April.1st but is now on hold until the end of the month. Opposition Health Critic and Rothesay Conservative MLA Margaret Ann Blaney tells CHSJ News, a glossy flyer which has been handed out in Schryer's riding since April says the phone line has been established. Blaney adds she is confused about how a comprehensive truama system can be put in place with no 1-800 set-up and a director who spends the majority of his time in Quebec.
But work is continuing on the 1-800 trauma line according to the Administrative Director for the Provincial Trauma Program Ian Watson who tells CHSJ News, they are working to get emergency departments up to speed on how it will work.
Watson adds it is fair to say the line should be up and running by this month but  he points outgood quality trauma care is already in place at hospitals around the province.