Thursday, June 10, 2010

Union Expresses Concern Over New School In K-Park

CUPE Local 1253 is lobbying against schools that are owned by contractors instead of the government. Delalene Harris Forn is a bus driver for District 16 and says the new Kennebecasis Park Elementary School is going to be a P-3 school, meaning it won't be owned by the government. CUPE members say if things stay as they are, the custodians and maintenance staff won't be hired to work in the school but instead the jobs will be contracted out.
Harris Forn says the union is asking the District 6 Education Council to write a letter to the Minister of Education asking for K-Park to be a traditional school and not a P-3 school. Superintendant Zoe Watson says Council will discuss the issue in a closed session and look for further information.