Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alward Government Told To Be Prudent On Insurance Changes

The Alward Government is being warned by the insurance industry about adopting what it calls not radical alternatives to the current cap on what people can receive for soft tissue injuries.

One suggestion has been to get rid of the cap altogether but Bill Adams of the Insurance Bureau of Canada tells CHSJ News that would be radical and bring back the bad old days of skyrocketing premiums and some drivers not being able to get insurance at all.

As for paying a deductable from any court award you might receive, Adams argues that has not worked well in other provinces.

He maintains the cap has accomplished what it was supposed to and had no adverse effect on the medical coverage injury victims received.

According to Adams, raising the cap from 25 hundred to 75 hundred dollars which is what they have in Nova Scotia, would result in higher premiums for consumers.