Friday, August 5, 2011

CUPE Claims Feds Can Act To Keep Blood Lab In City

The Prime Minister Harper or his health minister can intervene to overturn the decision by Canadian Blood Services to transfer the blood processing lab from Saint John to Dartmouth in 2013 because of health and safety concerns. 

So claims Mike Davidson of the Canadian Union of Public Employees who's less than impressed with the provincial government's desire to seek input from you on what should be done with blood services in the future saying we've already had enough consultation.

Saint John M-P Rodney Weston isn't sure the union is on solid ground with that argument but he maintains the province, because it contributes 25 million dollars a year to Canadian Blood Services, has a strong hand to play. He also is accusing the blood agency of being arrogant and insulting to New Brunswickers.

Weston has been told by the health minister, in response to a question he posed in Parliament, that the federal government will not interfere in the day to day operations of Canadian Blood Services.