Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Local Events Planned To Pay Tribute To Jack Layton

Those of you in the community who want to pay tribute to fallen NDP Leader Jack Layton can do so tomorrow night.

The local NDP Federal Riding Association is holding a candlelight vigil for Layton tomorrow at the Lily Lake Pavilion at 8pm.

Everyone is invited.

Also, if you didn't get the chance to sign the book of condolences in Fredericton for Jack Layton, you now have another chance to do so.

Books of condolences will be made available at the offices of both Saint John MP Rodney Weston and Fundy Royal MP Rob Moore.  They will be open to the public tomorrow from 9am to 5pm and Friday from 9am until noon.

Both books will be forwarded to Jack Layton's family.