Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Province Issues Warning About Food Safety After Power Outages

The Province wants you to be very careful dealing with the spoiled food following the widespread power outages after Tropical Storm Irene.

Dr. Denis Allard, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Of Health says New Brunswickers need to be careful about consuming frozen or refrigerated foods if they have been without power for any extended period of time.
 If you have no power, do not open your freezer or fridge unless it is absolutely necessary. If the door remains closed, a full freezer will keep food frozen for 24 to 36 hours without electricity. These products can be refrozen if ice crystals are still present. All perishable food in a refrigerator without electricity for more than 24 hours should be thrown out.
Food Safety Tips After Power Outages and Flooding:

- All perishable goods affected by flooding should be thrown out.
- Commercially-canned food properly identified by labels, containers which show no leaks, swelling or rusting at joints or edges should be thoroughly washed and dried.
- Vacuum-packed foods pose a special hazard due to dried waste material inside crevices and covers. They should be discarded.
- Home preserves, meats, fish or dairy products should be discarded as unsafe if they have been affected by flood water.
- When in doubt, throw it out.

Never use flooded appliances unless you contact a qualified service technician before the appliance is put back into service. Appliances that have been affected by flood water should be cleaned as follows:

- Ensure electrical power is turned off.
- Clean the unit thoroughly with a detergent solution, rinse with clean water, then wash with a solution containing one-half cup of household bleach or similar product in nine litres (two gallons) of water.
- Allow to dry with door kept open.