Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Still No Decision On Metal Shredder Expansion

An environmental impact assessment will not be conducted on the above ground power line proposal for a west side metal shredder.

Mayor Ivan Court tells CHSJ News it doesn't meet the requirements according to Environment Minister Margaret-Ann Blaney.

Court says the city, NB Power, and American Iron and Metal are still trying to find deal that will please everyone and he is unsure when a deal will be reached.

Members of Save the Westside Coastline, who oppose the power lines going through their property, showing up at council chambers to learn the fate of the project but were told that the issue would not be coming up during the council session.

Spokesperson Wendy Cyr tells CHSJ News she is still hopeful that the lines will be buried and their properties will be protected. She feels her group presented a convincing case at last week's public meeting as to the legitimate dangers and concerns of the project.

The group was not around when Court told reporters that the E-I-A will not be happening.