Thursday, September 1, 2011

A New Era For The Community College In Saint John

A major step forward for the community college and another big change on the campus of U-N-B Saint John at Tucker Park with its continuing evolution.

Thanks to 18 million dollars from the province, the community college's new Allied Health Education Centre has officially opened.

 On hand for the occasion was Marilyn Luscombe, the new President and       C-E-O of the reorganised community college network and she says the three level building will house the college's health related programmes with more than 200 students along with 40 faculty and staff.

The community colleges now have their own board of governors. Luscombe tells CHSJ News they now have more independence to map out a new course for the future and one of the new strategic directions is to rebrand the image of community colleges so they're not looked upon as being the second tier of post secondary education.

Luscombe says community college enrollment keeps going up and she expects that will be continuing.