Monday, September 5, 2011

New Poll Released On Workplace Attitudes

Those workers in their 20's and 30's have more in common with baby boomers according to a new Labour Day poll conducted by Harris Decima.

Robert Waghorn of, an online careers and recruitment resource, tells CHSJ News they have similar attitudes when it comes to work and are looking for loyalty from their employers. Members of both generations say companies lack vision and fall short when it comes to productivity.

But the Gen Y'ers are not a happy lot according to this poll. 56 per cent say they're not working in their preferred field and one in three say they are not satisfied with the early part of their career or their current job.

They also would like more mentoring on the job and say the younger employees are not being used to their full potential.

Waghorn calls this a wakeup call for employers if they don't want to be continually replacing staff which can be an expensive proposition.