Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rothesay Residents Voice Concerns Over Blasting

The small Rothesay Town Council chamber was jammed to overflowing with people who are opposed to the blasting and excavation of rock on Fox Farm Road next to the Renforth bog which is a wetland supplying water to their wells.

John Wilcox of the Renforth Community Savers is looking for help from the town even though the excavation is taking place in the city and Rothesay has no jurisdiction but the affected residents live in the town.

Wilcox tells CHSJ News they're concerned about their wells running dry or being contaminated.
The residents have spoken with Provincial Environment Minister Margaret Ann Blaney who says her department will check to see if there are any violations.
They also will be contacting the Transportation Department to check what they claim are fresh cracks in the overpass at Fox Farm Road near where the blasting is taking place.
Rothesay Council will investigate whether the town can take legal action if an activity is taking place in a neighbouring jurisdiction that's adversely affecting town residents.