Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fort La Tour's Potential As Tourist Attraction "Being Squandered"

One question many Saint Johnners ask is why isn't something done to develop the For La Tour site by Harbour Passage into a viable tourist attraction. 

CHSJ News asked Elaine Geary of the Fort La Tour Development Authority that very question. She tells us it's on a provincially protected site but the province isn't interested in developing it unless what goes up there is financially self sustainable. Geary would like to see, at the very least, an interpretation centre because right now the tourism potential isn't being realised and an opportunity is being squandered. 

There will be a talk tonight at 6:30 pm at H-M-C-S Brunswicker on the aboriginal and European artifacts that have been uncovered on the site by provincial archaeologist Brent Suttie. 

A presentation was made to Common Council a few years ago  by the Fort La Tour Development Authority which would have seen a fort erected but nothing ever came of it. Geary says, however, they remain hopeful.