Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Free Talk On Living and Working In The Arctic

Many of us dream of visiting the Arctic, but few people get to realize those dreams.

Tomorrow night, members of the public will have chance to hear firsthand what it's like from recent MSC graduate Gretchen Lescord. Lescord has made several trips to remote Cornwallis Island to study contaminants in the fish there, and she tells CHSJ News her research was made possible by the relationships she built with two Inuit women. The people she met in the North taught her valuable skills such as where to collect specimens and walk on melting ice floes.

Lescord is giving a free talk on her experiences, and what she found about the contaminants that are making their way from the south to the far North. It happens at the New Brunswick Museum, 1 Market Square at 7:00 pm. on Thursday, April 18th. Contact Phone: (506) 643-2300