Thursday, April 18, 2013

Local Food Drive To Begin As Food Banks Run Low

The Extra Helping Spring Food Drive starts tomorrow at all no frills and Atlantic Superstores with supplies at local food banks in desperate need of replenishment.  The food drive lasts until May 9th.

Dietitician Vanessa McLellen tells CHSJ News if you want to donate non-perishable food items, there are more healthy choices to choose from these days. 

The food drive lasts until May 9th. McLellen says you should donate healthy non perishable food items like low sodium soups, canned fish and fruit in water or their own juice and whole grain, unsweetened cereals. 

Also needed are baby food and accessories, cereal and oatmeal, canned fish and meat (tuna, ham, chicken and turkey, beans and molasses, chunky and cream soups, dried pasta and tomato sauce, canned fruit and veggies, peanut butter and jams, canned and powdered milk, fruit and vegetable juices, sugar and spices, detergenmt and soaps along with personal hygiene products.

19 thousand 500 people in the province resort to using food banks each month. The food drive will last until May 9th.