Monday, April 29, 2013

Young People Have Their Say On The State Of Saint John

The city of Saint John getting a report card with the grades coming from a group of high school students.

The teens graded eight components of life in the city and the results were compiled into what is now the Youth Vital Signs Report.

The highest grade, a C+, went to Arts & Recreation. Health & Wellness, Belonging & Community, Employment & Education and Transportation received a C, Crime & Safety and Environment received a C-, and the lowest grade, a D, went to Homelessness & Poverty.

To improve that mark, the young people identified a need for the creation of a youth shelter and options for free meals. They were positive, however, about their futures in the city, as 67% said the right schools and training opportunities are available in Saint John region for them to get the education and training they want.

59% of those surveyed also say Saint John is a great place to be a young person.