Monday, May 6, 2013

Alward Government Accused Of Mishandling Healthcare

Provincial NDP leader Dominic Cardy suspects there's division within the ranks of the Alward Government on how  to deal with reforming healthcare and how far to go. 

Cardy tells CHSJ News getting into a slanging match with the doctors is a huge blunder which could have long term ramifications. He points out trying to get doctors to agree on anything is like trying to herd cats but Health Minister Ted Flemming has managed to do that with them in opposition to the medicare billing cap.

Cardy dismisses the open letter to doctors published last week by provincial Health Minister Ted Flemming as a P-R exercise designed to regain credibility at a cost of thousands of dollars.

He also believes Flemming and provincial Finance Minister Blaine Higgs want to see smaller government but are meeting resistence within the Conservative caucus, the bureaucracy and party ranks.