Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Drunk Driving Campaign Launched

Police along with Mothers Against Drunk Driving are urging you to call 9-1-1 if you see a drunk driver in your travels. 

The 9-1-1 campaign being launched at police headquarters in Peel Plaza with the President of MADD Canada coming to town for it. 

Denise Dubyk's son-in-law was a passenger in a pickup being driven by a drunk driver and died instantly in a crash back in May of 2000. He left behind a wife and two young children. She tells CHSJ News his death left the family shattered and, even over time, never really recovers. She compares it to a puzzle which always has a missing piece.

Dubyk says drunk driving is the leading criminal cause of death in the country, killing 4 people, on average, every single day as well as injuring 175 others. She adds arrests of drunk drivers because of calling 9-1-1 increase by an average of 30 per cent.