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Friday, July 30, 2010

Saint John Speakers Focus On Renewable Energy As The Way To Move Forward

(John Simon Of Seaforth Energy)
      (Photo by Sherry Aske)

Renewable energy was a key theme brought up by people at the Conservative's energy forum. John Simon is Vice President of Seaforth Energy and tells CHSJ News Ontario and Nova Scotia have adopted programs where people essentially get paid to use renewable energy.

He adds the province could benefit from a concept used in Europe where communities and businesses set up solar power installations or wind turbines and then get paid for any excess power they generate that goes back to the grid.

Simon says New Brunswick has opportunities for renewable energy when it comes to wind and solar power that would keep the jobs and money in the province.

The future of NB Power was also talked about. Mike MacDonald is an electrical engineer and tells CHSJ News there are a lot of great technical people in the province who know what they're doing, and the province should consult them as they moving forward.
In MacDonald's view, NB Power needs to be run as a business without political interference.