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Sunday, September 5, 2010

One Man Is Dead After A swim At Fisher Lakes

(City Police Look Over Area Where Man Was Pulled From Lake)
                    (Photo By Jim Hennessy)

A tragic end to the Holiday weekend.

A 21-year old man is dead after drowning at Fisher Lakes yesterday afternoon.

Witnesses tell our news-room it was just after two o'clock when the man was swimming back from the rocks to shore when he started going under.

Despite constant CPR by two gand Bay Westfield volunteer firefighters, the man was pronounced after arriving at the Regional.

Staff Sargeant Tanya LeBlanc tells CHSJ News, they are still gathering information but reminds anyone going swimming in an area with no lifeguard to use caution.

The last shift for on-duty lifeguards was last weekend and that has Mike Benoit who works for the city at the lake shaking his head asking why.  

Benoit adds even though all of the city arenas are equipped with one, there is no defibulator at the beach area.