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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Charlotte County EMO Officials Urge Those Under Flood Threat To Leave

The EMO spokesperson for Charlotte County says the situation worsened overnight. Darren McCabe says the flood threat is high for anyone living near Elmsville, Bonney River, Second Falls and into St. George because of rising water levels on the Magaguadavic River.
He says if home owners feel threatened or are flooded and can get out, EMO officials are recommending that they leave and head to the reception centre.

Charlotte the Isles MLA Rick Doucet says Cooke Aquaculture is one of many unsung heroes who took part is water rescues yesterday.
He says people were clinging to the sides of the homes in Bonney River and the company sent out boats rescueing about 40 people.
The Reception centre in St. George is set up at the Family Worship Centre at 89 Mount Pleasant Road in St. George. To reach them, call 467-5287, 755-3759.