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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pension Reform Criticised as Tepid

Too timid........That criticism being levelled at the attempts on reforming pension plans by the provincial government and the city with the made in Europe, shared risk model by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. 

The Federation's Atlantic Director Kevin Lacey tells CHSJ News Premier David Alward didn't want to get into a big fight with the unions.
Lacey concedes the reforms will lessen the unfunded liabilities but, as he sees it, will not eliminate the pension deficits altogether. The Federation is suggesting moving from a defined benefits to a defined contributions plan for new government employees would have been better for taxpayers.
Lacey says it is inherently unfair for taxpayers, who don't have pensions, being called on to bail out government workers who will wind up having more money to live on when they retire than those who are paying up with their tax dollars and getting fewer government services in return.