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Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Warning About Safety In Bay Of Fundy

Safety of marine traffic in the Bay of Fundy is being jeopardised by the Harper Government's decision to close the Saint John marine communications and traffic services centre. So says Rick Doucette, the Liberal M-L-A for Charlotte-The Isles. 

Doucette charges Premier David Alward is refusing to stand up and fight for people in the province which happened earlier with the proposed changes to Employment Insurance. 

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is accusing the Prime Minister of treating Maritimers with disdain and warns a low key approach when dealing with the Harper Government doesn't work.
Doucette calls the Bay of Fundy the most treacherous body of water on the eastern seaboard because of the high tides and rocky geography and fishermen need help navigating.