Getting a student loan to pay tuition is an expensive reality for many post-secondary students, and Maritimers are expected to owe the most and take the longest to pay off.
That coming from a new BMO study that shows half of Canadian college and university students expect to be at least 20-thousand dollars in debt when they graduate. The survey also shows about 20 per cent expect to graduate with more than 40-thousand dollars of debt.
Stephen Spence is the President for the New Brunswick Student Alliance, and he tells CHSJ news the average four year degree costs $84,000 dollars, and that cost isn't going anywhere but up.
Spence says despite lower job prospects and high debt, we need to stop thinking of post secondary education as an expenditure, but as an investment. He says going to university shows a potential employer you learn quickly and apply yourself.
That coming from a new BMO study that shows half of Canadian college and university students expect to be at least 20-thousand dollars in debt when they graduate. The survey also shows about 20 per cent expect to graduate with more than 40-thousand dollars of debt.
Stephen Spence is the President for the New Brunswick Student Alliance, and he tells CHSJ news the average four year degree costs $84,000 dollars, and that cost isn't going anywhere but up.
Spence says despite lower job prospects and high debt, we need to stop thinking of post secondary education as an expenditure, but as an investment. He says going to university shows a potential employer you learn quickly and apply yourself.