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Friday, September 6, 2013

Local Alzheimer's Cafe Celebrates 2 Years Soon

September is World Alzheimer's month and the local chapters across the country will spend it trying to create awareness about the disease and related dementias. 

Jamie Matthews of the Saint John chapter tells CHSJ News the monthly Alzheimer's cafe will celebrate two years in existence this January.

He says when people come to the cafe it's more of a relaxed atmosphere where you can mix and mingle and if you want to talk about the struggles you are facing you can do with the people at your table.

The first Alzheimer's Cafe of the season is coming up on September 29th at St. Mark's Church on Dexter Drive on the West side from 2-4pm.

During the month of September, you can join over 100 businesses and people across the province by hosting a fundraising Coffee Break.

For more information on the Coffee Break call 1-800-664-8411 and on the monthly Alzheimer's Cafe in Saint John call 634-8722.