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Friday, November 15, 2013

Questions About Call Centre Job Security Raised

With the news a total of over 400 call center employees will be looking for work with the phased-in closures of the Iron Mountain and ExonnMobil call centers in Loch Lomond mall, Liberal MLA Rick Doucet is wondering what's being done to help the people effected by the layoffs--and prevent call centers from pulling up stakes in the future.

Doucet tells CHSJ News he'd like to see the government playing a more proactive role and they should have been working with the corporations from the get go to be aware of their plans and see how they could potentially be accommodated.

Doucet--who will represent parts of Saint John after the next election--says if we're going to offer call centers subsidies to come here they'd better be iron-clad on a year by year basis so we know what their plans are and how we can make Saint John a good place for them to do business.