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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cold Weather Advisory Issued

The Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) has issued an extreme cold weather advisory.

With the extreme cold weather conditions, NB Power is asking you to check on anyone you suspect doesn’t have power and ensure they are alright. If there are circumstances that NB Power should be made aware of, please contact us at 1-800-663-6272 or call the Red Cross at 1 800 222-9597.

Warming centres and shelters remain open in areas affected by power outages. These centres offer people a place to warm up with some centres offering a meal and some even offer a place to sleep.

The following list includes warming centres and shelters that are now open to the public. The list is subject to change and each site could serve different needs so interested individuals should always contact the Red Cross at 1-800-222-9597 to be directed to the appropriate site.

Shelters and Warming Centres:

●    Quispamsis: Quispamsis Civic Centre, 12 Civic Dr.;
●    Oak Bay: Oak Bay Fire Department, Hwy 170 (warming centre and Command and Co-ordination centre);
●    Harvey Station: Harvey Fire Dept, Route 3;
●    St. George: Magaguadavic Place, 11 J.O. Spinney Dr.; and
●    Grand Bay-Westfield: St. Matthew's Church, 45 Dollard Dr. 

Help is also available for individuals running low on supplies such as fire wood or kerosene. Contact EMO at 1-800-561-4034.

The Public Health Branch of the Department of Health reminds you that all perishable food left in a refrigerator more than 24 hours without electricity should be discarded. 

Frozen foods left in a freezer will stay frozen for a few days without electricity if the door is kept shut. These products can be refrozen if ice crystals are still present.