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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Surf City Synchro Hosts Former Olympian

A synchronized swimmer, who went to the Olympic games in Beijing and London, offering her expertise to some young swimmers in the region.

The Surf City Synchro synchronized swimming club brought in Tracy Little to work with them at the aquatic centre.

Little tells CHSJ News at her first olympics she was the underdog.

She says she has Olympians on her team telling her what to do and telling her how to handle the stress and how to perform and in Beijing she was the leader helping the younger members of the team.

Swimmer Anna Streeter says she joined because her sister was involved.

She tells us she wanted to do it because it looked so pretty.

The Surf City Synchro Club is hosting a national competition at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre in 2015.

For more info on the club, click here