Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Another Case of Swine Flu in the Province
So far, none of the reported cases in New Brunswick have required hospitalization.
Lower Taxes, Less Money
Among the hikes are increased fees for vehicle registrations and driver’s licenses. Fitch says the Graham government is trying to make itself out as a hero by cutting taxes when New Brunswickers will have a deeper hole in their wallet than before. The Plan for Lower Taxes includes personal income tax savings of about 124 million dollars this year.
RCMP Seize Drugs on Tobique First Nation
A 42-year old man has been arrested and is being held for a show cause hearing.
JDI Gets Air Quality Approval
The renewal for five years follows public consultation, including a 120-day public review period.
Reward For Lost Insulin Pump
McKiel says his son Sean is now back using a needle 3-4 times a day for his Juvenile Diabetes until he can get the pump back that will automatically regulate his insulin for him. A $300 reward is being offered for its return--and--it can be dropped off at any Kent Building Supplies stores in the Maritimes. McKiel says replacing the unit will cost about 68 hundred dollars.
NCO Call Centre Closing
We've placed several calls to the call centre and head offices to confirm the report but they have not returned our messages. No word on how many employees will lose their jobs.
Saint John Transit Says No to Pilot Project
McCarey says they have looked at the 50 cent per ride project in other area's and it doesn't produce the results they were hoping for. Saying that....he wishes the Fredericton Transit Commission all the best with the pilot project.
First Turbine is Away
If the weather holds, McLean says they hope to load the second turbine on the barge tomorrow and deliver it to Point Lepreau.
Refurbishment Work Continues
The generator stator core was put back into place this month. This is the latest piece of the puzzle for when the main generator rotor is re-installed which crews hope to do this month. At last count, things were still running behind schedule with completion of the project now scheduled for next year.
Court and the Paper Continue Feud
Court tells CHSJ News, he has no problem with fair comments but there is something wrong when one person or organization feels they have this much power.
Court says he will not bow down to anyone who has their own vested interest in what happens at City Hall. We have left a message for the papers editor Jamie Irving but have not yet heard back.
Graduation Day for Some
They shouldn't have a hard time finding work as paramedics have been in short supply over the past few years.
Change to Gas Price Schedule
Normally, we find out what we will be paying at the pumps at midnight Thursday but under certain circumstances, the legislation prescribes changes to the schedule.
Try Again to Move a Turbine
If they get the first one on it's way today, they hope to get the second to Point Lepreau by the end of the week.
Busy Monday for City Police
City Police are also looking for someone who damaged four vehicles at the Irving Nature Park last night. It was around 9:30pm when a vehicle decided to put on a show by doing a few brake stands and doughnuts and caused the damage. Nobody was hurt.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Environment Critic Calls for Action Against Vehicle-Dependency
Fox says Canada should be investing in reversing the trend of car dependency. She says plans for a second oil refinery in Saint John don't do that because it supports the dying fossil fuel era.
North End Fire
A woman who had been sleeping at the time was treated for smoke inhalation.
New Brunswickers to Pay Lower Taxes July 1
For example: A single individual making 25,000 dollars per year will save 202 dollars this year and 473 dollars annually by 2012. New Brunswickers can learn more about The Plan for Lower Taxes and calculate their own tax savings online.
Good News for Charlotte County Civic Centre
The consultant's report concludes the Budd Avenue site has traces of environmental contamination but falls within the environmental guidelines for commercial construction. Fulton says once the town of St. Stephen has reviewed the report, a copy will be sent to the Municipal Capital Borrowing Board. Before fully accepting this site, the Town has committed to holding a public information session on July 9th at the St. Stephen Legion. The multi-million dollar project has received funding from all three levels of government.
Schryer Says Meetings Are Being Planned
Schryer says when she introduced herself as the new Health Minister to medical officials, they were quite surprised. She says she looks forward to trying to advance her new portfolio.
Construction Begins at the Q-Plex
Driscoll says this will be a regional facility, that everyone can enjoy.Saint John Mayor Ivan Court says the Q-Plex will take some of the stress off of city rinks, which will keep them in better shape longer.
New Look for Rothesay Superstore
Lacey adds it is a bit of a test as well and what the feed-back is from the community. This is the corporations 48th store in the Province.
No Records Set for Rainfall
The record for rainfall in the month of June was set back in 1985 with 269 millimeters.
Turbines are Staying Put
Spokes-person Heather McLean tells CHSJ News, they hope to get the piece of machinery loaded onto the barge tomorrow and the second turbine before the week is over.
Ground Breaking for Q-Plex Today
The facility will be located on over 80 acres of land with construction set to finish up by next summer. Today's ceremony gets started at ten o'clock.
Court on Funding for Canada Games Stadium
City Hall, UNB and the private sector has comitted funds to the work which is estimated to be in the range of six million dollars. Next year also marks Saint John's 225th birthday.
Saint John Transit Moving Into New Home
McCarey says some of their office staff will set up shop at City Hall until the construction phase is finished. Total cost of the project is $23 and a half million but no word at this point if there were any cost over-runs.
Turbines on their Way to Point Lepreau
McLean says the move for both turbines is weather dependant and if conditions are not ideal, the schedule will be changed.
Energy Minister Happy with Energy Hub Progress
Keir says he hasn't heard any time line on when an announcement might be made but they have told Irving Oil, the Province will do what it can to make sure the business case works.
Emergency Plan for LNG Terminal
Another resident says she was also surprised by the references to the emergency plans which she doesn't recall hearing about either. Court's letter says the plans were approved by Fire Chief Rob Simonds and provincial emergency measure officials after a couple of revisions.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Design Your Own Shopping Bag
The winner will receive a $500 gift certificate from ESL Art Supplies. Submissions must be dropped of at the Uptown Saint John office by the end of next month.
Quispamsis Teen Shoots for Top Prize
Daly found out she made it into the finals on June 8 and was flown home from Toronto two days later to shoot a video of her hometown. Viewers from across the country will vote for their favourite "superfan" based on the final video entries. A finale show featuring all five finalists will air tomorrow.
KV Minor Hockey Not Happy
Zwicker says the stat that caught him off guard is the one ice surface for every 8000 people which he believes is a national figure and not reflective of the region.
Comments Still Wanted
Lewicki says the final report should be ready by the end of next month.
Wild Ride Through the Falls
The two men say their vessel lost power and the tide carried them down river.
L-N-G Tanker Finally Berths At Canaport
Canaport L-N-G has been advising there may be some extensive flaring activity during the commissioning process for the first storage tank at the terminal.
The company says it will begin sending gas through the Emera Brunswick pipeline as soon as the the tank cools down.
Rate Hike Justified
But -- in a report to Energy Minister Jack Keir -- the Board is taking exception with some of the timing of some of the financial forecasts used for budget decisions related to the increase.
The utility is expected to lose 67-million dollars in the current fiscal year even with the three percent increase.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Emera Inc Increases Role in Saint John Energy Sector
The Bayside Power plant is 260 megawatt gas fired combined cycle power plant that supplies energy to the province and Northeastern US markets.Emera will take over the plant in approximately two months.
Arena Getting a Green Makeover
Meanwhile, Master Mechanical Contractors will replace the Ammonia Plant Heat Recovery and Flood Water Heating system. This will save money and increase the life expectancy of the hot water system by 15 years.
City Police Round Up
Fundraiser For 13 Year Old With Cystic Fibrosis
First Rock Concert of the Year on Magnetic Hill
Ian Fowler with the city of Moncton says no question, the wet weather this week puts a damper on last minute ticket sales but expects a good crowd to come out and enjoy the show.
Canaport LNG Phase 1 Complete
[Foggy View of the First Ship Coming In-----Photo by Deborah Stevens]
The first liquefied natural gas tanker to dock at the Canaport L-N-G terminal in Red Head has tied up at the jetty. And its arrival is drawing people to the Mispec Park to get a glimpse of the giant ship -- one of them is Dave Morrell who lives close to the new facility -- he tells CHSJ News it's an exciting day
One Red Head resident says it's an historic day and she's excited about the potential it represents for the city.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Campground Investigation Called Off
First Shipment Arriving At Canaport LNG

[Canaport LNG Site----File Photo]
With the arrival of the first vessel bringing liquefied natural gas to the Canaport LNG terminal, city staff are hand delivering a letter penned by the Mayor to residents living with 2 kilometres of the site.Ivan Court writes to assure residents that safety is the top priority during the first unloading process.Court says the ship is able to be docked at Canaport LNG because the facility has met 24 guidelines set out in the Environmental Impact Assessment process.This first shipment was supposed to arrive in the city at the beginning of the week, but was pushed back due to weather and other large crude oil tankers needing to unload product.
Saint John Energy Restores Power
Supportive of the Fund, But the Money is Needed Elsewhere
Fowler says if money is reallocated it will probably end up going into support staff---but he doesn't expect the full amount to be replaced.
CUPE Hoping Resources Return to Education Support Staff
Harding says she will be meeting with Hache on Thursday of next week to discuss putting the resources back into educational support staff.
Country 94 and the Wave Honoured By The Kidney Foundation
The Lights Were Out in Rothesay
Inmate Found Dead At Dorchester Penitentiary
Conservation Council Wants to Be Included in Barge Talks
Thompson says anchorage areas for ships could also be a concern for the marine protected area. Mayor Ivan Court says it's important to get a long-time proposed barge docking facility constructed in the Lorneville area. He says the city may find a way to finance the barge dock on its own if talks for funding with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency fall through.
Steady Enrolment at UNBSJ
Johnson says that's due to better programing and more options for students.
Provincial Loan Maintains Jobs
The company produces fencing using eastern white cedar, spruce and Chinese fir-- and-- is a value-added re-seller of vinyl and aluminum fencing products. Company president Stephen Crabbe says this is a tough time for many businesses because access to credit has been severely limited by the global financial collapse.
Shellfish Harvesting Ban
harvesting clams, mussels and other shellfish is prohibited within 1.6 km of Grand Manan, and the Islands of Wolves, Bliss, Hills, Frye, Deer and Campobello, as well as from Nova Scotia to Maine.
Missing Boy Found in Saint John
Officers found the boy roaming the streets around midnight and have placed him with friends of the family until his parents can pick him up today.
Uptown Power Being Restored
Three-quarters of the power is back up. No word yet on when the remaining homes and businesses will have electricity.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
RCMP Investigation At Campground Still Coming Up Empty
RCMP still will not reveal what they are looking for, and an excavator remains on site, but has still not been used.
Former M-P Fondly Remembers Romeo LeBlanc
Zed says he began working for LeBlanc in 1980 as a summer student, and returned two years later as his executive assistant.Zed tells CHSJ News, LeBlanc had a certain way about him that made everyone feel comfortable.
Zed says LeBlanc strongly supported, and helped move along three instantly recognizable projects in the city----the frigate program, Market Square, and the Admiral Beatty.LeBlanc died yesterday after a lengthy battle with illness, and a state funeral is being planned.He was 81.
ESJ Chair Remains Opmtistic About Refinery Proposal
(First public Enterprise Saint John annual general meeting - photo by Gary MacDonald)
Cautious optimism -- that's how Enterprise Saint John chair Bob Manning is feeling about Irving Oil's proposed second refinery in Red Head. Manning says there are still a lot of details to work through like the environmental impact assessment and some land rezoning.In addition -- he says Irving Oil will ultimately have to make its decision based on financing and partnerships available.And Manning told the annual general meeting of Enterprise Saint John the potential impact of the refinery is unprecedented -- he says it's important to support the project through all phases of the review process.
Mayor Says New Company Predicts Lots Of Jobs
(Mayor Ivan Court - file photo)
The energy hub is beginning to show some spinoff dividends -- Mayor Ivan Court says an Ontario company which builds large industrial components is moving into the Spruce Lake industrial park -- and -- is talking about eventually employing up to one thousand people.
And Court says it's important to get a long proposed barge docking facility constructed in the Lorneville area for fabricators building components for the offshore and other projects.
Court says the Fox company is currently retrofitting a building in the industrial park -- and -- plans call for a second building once the company gets a foothold here.
Irving Company Gets New Name
The holding company will now be known as Fort Reliance, and has been changed for a number of months, but it just being publicly announced today.
Irving Spokesperson Daniel Goodwin tells CHSJ News, with the number of new projects the company is getting into now, the change was necessary.
Under the Fort Reliance umbrella, will be Irving Oil, the lubricants business, residential and commercial energy, as well as the joint venture with Repsol at the Canaport LNG Terminal.
Houses Not Staying On the Saint John Market For Long
The average price of M-L-S listed homes in the greater Saint John area shot up last month to just over 188-thousand dollars -- the highest average price on record.
Charges Laid In Moose/Vehicle Accident
Five More Cases of Swine Flu in Province
Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eilish Cleary says they confirmed a woman in her 50's from the Moncton area late yesterday, and an additional four cases of the H1N1 virus this morning.
Cleary reminds residents to follow preventative measures, such as washing hands thoroughly and often, and coughing or sneezing into sleeves.
She says if anyone is feeling flu like symptoms to stay at home, and avoid contact with family members.
Cleary also says anyone at risk of complications, such as pregnant women, or people with compromised immune systems should seek medical attention immediately if they have influenza like symptoms.
The total number of cases of the swine flu in New Brunswick is now at nine.
New Ambulance New Brunswick President
University in City Appealing to Students
John Johnson tells CHSJ News they are seeing more women and students from diverse cultures attending UNB Saint John.
Johnson says future cooperation with the community college and Dalhousie Medical School may mean an increase in people attending university in the future.
Still Nothing Found at Hidden Valley Campground
Sgt. Steve Gourdeau says they have not found anything that would help substantiate the information they are working with. But they must cross their T's and dot their I's.
Gas Prices Take a Dip
The price of diesel fuel has remained the same at 97.6 a litre and propane has inched up 2 cents to land at 86.4.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saint John Building Reaches 105th Birthday
[The Carnegie Building Birthday Cake----Photo By Dave Briggs]
The home of the Saint John Arts Centre is celebrating it's 105th birthday.The Carnegie Building originally opened in the city as a public library in 1904, and Ian Wilson began working there in 1961. He tells CHSJ News, the renovations done in the 1980's really improved the building but was able to keep it's original charm.
The location on Hazen Avenue is the only Carnegie Building still standing on the East Coast.Over the years the building has been occupied by a number of tenants, beginning with the library, and in '85 it became the Aitken Exhibition Centre, and finally in 2002 the Arts Centre moved in.
Canada Games Stadium Makeover Awaiting Word From Province
Weston says the project is his number one recreational priority -- a view shared by the city.
The total cost of upgrading the stadium and track facilities is in the six million dollar range -- the city has already committed funds -- so has U-N-B -- and -- the private sector.
There are growing concerns if the funding isn't in place soon -- the upgrades won't be completed in time to host the Acadien Games next summer.
Feds Kick In Cash For KV Sports Fields
The federal government has committed 250-thousand dollars while the province is onboard for 300-thousand -- that's on top of a million dollar donation by the late Arthur Miller.
K-V High principal Bob Munroe says the funding should at least provide one artificial turf field and an upgraded grass field complete with lighting -- and -- it should be ready by next spring.
Munroe says the plan also calls for a second artificial turf field -- total cost of the project is 2.7-million dollars -- and -- Monroe says a public fundraising campaign will be launched shortly while corporate donors are being sought to help with the goal of the second field.
RCMP Release Name of Boy Killed in Crash
The driver suffered a broken leg. Violette says the five-wheeled off-road vehicle belonged to a relative of the boy who was killed and no one was supervising at the time of the crash. No word on whether charges will be laid.
Man Charged in Death of Young Woman
The man, formerly from Sussex, is due in Sussex court on July 16th.
UNB to Research Storing Carbon Dioxide in the Province
Keighley says they must determine if the province is geologically viable, if it's environmentally safe and if it's affordable. Researches have received 71 thousand dollars from the New Brunswick Climate Change Secretariat and Irving Oil to conduct the study.
Report Shows High University Participation
28 per cent of people in this province attended university--compared to 39 per cent in Nova Scotia and 25 per cent in Prince Edward Island.
City Hires Consultants to Review Fire Services
Council had originally asked the Fire Chief to conduct a comprehensive Review of Fire Service-- but-- Chief Rob Simonds says he and his staff don't have time for that, while carrying out their regular duties. The city will pay the consultants 40 thousand dollars for the review.
City Councilor Puts Pressure on MP to Deliver Water Funding
The Conference Board of Canada says Saint John's growth can be attributed to provincial infrastructure investments and tax cuts.
Fundy National Park to Receive Funding
Fundy Royal M-P Rob Moore announced today the feds are making a $12.2 million dollar investment in Fundy Park.
$8.8 million is for improving a 4.1 kilometre span of Highway 114---$2.9 million is for replacing the Bennett Lake Dam, and half a million will help repair bridges and culverts.
Moore says in addition to benefiting the Park, these projects will benefit the local economy, create jobs and increase tourism.
New Deputy Chief Medical Officer
He is a graduate of the University of Melbourne medical school and the University of Sydney.
The Province Continues to Grow
Since January 2007, 4000 people have moved to New Brunswick.
Hampton RCMP Round Up
Also, Hampton RCMP have one man in custody after a vehicle was stolen and held for ransom. It was stolen from a home in Willow Grove when the owner left the keys in the ignition. A short time later, the vehicle's owner received a phone call from a man saying they could have their vehicle back for $800 dollars. No word on charges or a court date at this point.
Ottawa to make Funding Announcement
Fund-raising for the project has been on-going for the past three years. Today's new conference gets started at 1:30pm.
Another Busy Night for City Police
It was also a trip to the Regional for one man just after 2:30am this morning. This after he was punched in the head by another man at a bar on King Street. The man who threw the punch ran back into the club when police arrived but was quickly taken into custody. The man who was hit was taken to hospital to get his head checked and is going to be fine. The man who threw the punch faces a charge of assualt casuing bodily harm.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Stalemate Over Agent Orange Inquiry
The group marched on Thompson's office last month demanding a public inquiry by June 15th -- Art Connolly of Agent Orange Alert tells CHSJ News the limited 20-thousand dollar compensation package which expired this year didn't go far enough.
Meantime -- when we last spoke with Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson -- he wasn't budging -- he says his government's 20-thousand dollar compensation package was more than fair even though a report by Dr Dennis Furlong found no grounds for it.
Agent Orange Association co-president Gary Goode tells us plans are being made for a protest march on Parliament Hill.
Man Down at Canaport LNG
WorkSafe NB has been called in to investigate. No word on the man's condition.
Boy Killed in ATV Crash
His name is being withheld out of respect for the family.
Addiction Treatment Centre to be Set Up In Province
Bordage says 75% of crime in Saint John is directly linked to drugs and addiction treatment has been proven to work. In the short term, the centre hopes to split up treatment for men and women and create a family wellness centre. Long term goals include building renewal retreat facilities and transitional residential housing. Bordage says they are currently looking for grants, loans and donations to pay for their start up costs.
City Hall Prepares for Possible Smaller Budget in 2010
Sullivan says it's easier to add to the budget if there is extra money than it is to make cuts after the fact.
Acting City Manager Gets Pay Increase
Once a new City Manager is hired, Woods will return to his old position as Deputy City Manager.
NB and Quebec Increase Cooperation on Energy
Graham says it's necessary to increase collaboration with Quebec with regard to clean and renewable energy supplies at a competitive cost.The two provinces are placing an emphasis on accessibility, supply, transmission, market opportunities, and greenhouse-gas reduction.
Fourth Confirmed Case of the Swine Flu

[Dr. Eilish Cleary----File Photo]
The Department of Health is confirming another Moncton area woman has contracted the swine flu.Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eilish Cleary says with the fourth confirmed case of the H1N1 virus in the province, residents need to continue to use preventative measures to reduce the spread of the flu.This news comes shortly after the third case was confirmed on Friday.Back in May, Dr. Cleary warned that additional cases could be expected this summer and even more in the fall. Of the four cases confirmed in New Brunswick, none have required hospitalization.
The Province Is Looking For A Partner
The developer will also assume responsibilities for the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of 235 km of Route 1 between St. Stephen and River Glade beginning in June 2011 and continuing for 30 years. This will be Province's third public-private partnership for a section of it's highway. A final agreement is expected by February of next year.
Quispamsis Mayor Reacts to Rothesay Report

[Mayor Murray Driscoll----File Photo]
The proposed Master Recreation Report for Rothesay appears to be sitting well with neighbouring Quispamsis. It says a field house, improvement and the building of more walking trails and renovations or the construction of a new arena should be the priorities in that order. Mayor Murray Driscoll tells CHSJ News, any previous talk about additional user fees for facilities is just that.......talk.
Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop echoed the same statement last night. Driscoll adds he is pleased Rothesay continues to move ahead with their recreation plan.
Hampton Police Round Up
Also, a 19-year man from Quispamsis has a court appearance scheduled today. This after someone walked into the Willow Grove Convenience store on Monday of last week with a knife and demanded cash. They got away with an un-disclosed amount and nobody was hurt. The charges included armed robbery while masked.
Local Girl Wins Prize From Bay Ferries and the New Brunswick Museum
Carrie May Lafford of Riverside and Shanay Bent from Nova Scotia are the winners of the Captain for a Day prize where the students will visit the wheelhouse of the ship later this summer.
Looking to Rescind Motion
A motion by Farren to have the city solicitor approach the provincial government for an amendment to the Municipalities Act has also been referred. Farren says council should have the option of hiring senior staff either permanently or on contract. The act currently prohibits hiring senior staff for term employment.
Moving to Service Based Budget
The service-based budget is part of the city's move towards becoming more accountable.
No New TownHouses in the Park
But Councilor Peter McGuire says the city has just thrown away potential property tax revenue from the proposed development. The city deemed the land surplus for development but controversy remains over whether it was meant to be kept as part of the park when the city bought it in 1967.
Rothesay Recreation Master Plan
Total cost of the field house, with-out the purchase of a piece of property at this point is seven million. Comments can made on the proposed plan until July.6th with a final report expected by the end of next month.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Weather And Tanker Traffic Delay L-N-G Ship
A Canaport L-N-G spokesperson tells us the wind speed is critical with the tanker berthed in the outer portion of the harbour -- meantime -- there are other crude oil tankers needing to offload their product.
The big L-N-G tanker is now expected later this week.
The New Health Minister Is Up For The Challenge

[Health Minister Mary Schryer----File Photo]
Newly appointed Health Minister Mary Schryer says the early morning call from the Premier came as a bit of shock.
Schryer says it's touching that that the premier would give her a post that is so important to everyone in the province.
She says she isn't concerned about taking a heavily criticized post--because she sees passion and criticism as something different.
Schryer says it will take some adjustment balancing the health portfolio, as well as the status of women file.
Schryer says her first order of business this morning was to call all stakeholders to introduce herself, and extend an invitation for meetings.
Political Scientist Weighs in On Cabinet Shuffle
Desserud says newly appointed Health Minister Mary Schryer will have her work cut out for her as it's a tricky position. He says not many Ministers go into the position excited and happy about the job---but someone with a fresh outlook on the job might be the ticket.
Desserud says he doesn't expect the public to be overly excited about the changes---because no one is being punished. He says the public reaction will help determine when the next election may be called.
LNG Tanker Now Due Later In The Week

(Canaport L-N-G terminal in Red Head - file photo)
If you were hoping to catch a glimpse today of the first L-N-G tanker to come up the bay to the Canaport Liquefied Natural Gas terminal in Red Head -- forget it.
The company now says the ship isn't expected to arrive until later this week -- but -- it says the start up of the facility will still fall within the scheduled window.
Canaport L-N-G has been running a series of radio ads advising residents not to worry about flaring at the facility when the tanker arrives -- it's part of the commissioning process and will be reduced to a small flare once the onshore tank has been brought online.
Cabinet Shuffle
Mike Murphy is moving from the Health Department, to become Minister of Justice and Consumer Affairs, as well as Attorney General.
Mary Schryer will take over Health Minister duties, and will remain responsible for the status of women.
Roland Hache is the new Education Minister, while Kelly Lamrock is taking over social development duties.
T.J Burke will take over the role of Environment Minister, with Greg Byrne becoming the Finance Minister.
The new Business Minister will be Victor Boudreau.
These portfolio changes are effective immediately.
Baby Falls From Third Storey Window
It was Saturday night at 9:30pm when the 37-year old Blagden was standing on Victoria Street in the North End with his friends and noticed a small baby hanging from a third storey window. He ran over and broke the fall of the child. The two year old baby boy did hit his head on the sidewalk and was taken to the Regional to get looked over.
The baby and Blagden are both doing fine.
ER Doctors and Province Make Agreement
Doctors will be paid for clinical work, as well as teaching and administering call schedules.
Physicians will also be compensated for developing collaborative practices with nurses.
Details are still be hammered out between the province and the doctors.
Turbine Rotors in Town
McLean says they hope to have the turbines ready for a second trip to Point Lepreau by early next week after the lobster season has come to a close.
Contenious Issue Up for Debate
Council is looking for a complete review to be finished no later than September 30th. Tonight's council meeting gets underway at 5:30pm.
Think About Use of Pesticides
Thompson says the Conservation Council is requesting people refuse services that use chemical pesticides. Late last week, the province announced the sale and use of more than 200 over-the-counter lawn care pesticide products on domestic lawns will be banned by this fall.
Trouble for Vessel
In-shore staff reached the vessel first, got her steady and towed her into shore. No word on what the problem was and no one was hurt.
Recreation Plan for Rothesay
There has been a lot of pressure on town officials to get on board with the Q-Plex facility in Quispamsis but officials say there is more sports than just hockey that need attention in their town and the Kennebecasis Valley. Tonight's open house gets started at seven at the Bill McGuire Center.
First Liquified Tanker Arrives Today
The official ribbon cutting ceremony is coming in September when all three storage tanks will be operational.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Construction Cash
No word on when construction will get started.
Increased Recycling Numbers
The Solid Waste Commission will be making recycling easier by August when recyclables will only have to be divided into three groups instead of five.
Turbine Coming Home
They were sent to the UK to be refurbished after they were dropped into the harbor in October of last year while being loaded onto a barge for delivery to Point Lepreau.
Provincial Tourism Promotion Stepped Up
Jamieson says promotion efforts have been stepped up in Quebec - Ontario - and - New England -- he says there appears to be a growing interest from people in the United Kingdom.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Final Rally Of Hope in Record Books
Cameron says they will unveil the new fund-raiser in the fall.
Province Urging People to Beware of Lyme Disease
Last Rally of Hope
The goal for this years event is to raise $1.5 million for the neo-natal intensive care unit. Things wrap up at three o'clock and everyone is invited.
Work on the Peter Murray Arena
MacIntyre On The Road to Recovery
MacIntyre says he is working about four hours a day from home and the expectations for his recovery might have been too high.
Friday, June 19, 2009
East Side Liquor Store Closed Until Saturday
Third Case of Swine Flu Confirmed in NB
The province has its third confirmed case of the H1N1 virus --or-- the swine flu.The Department of Health says it received confirmation that a 20-year-old woman from the Moncton area has contracted the virus. Chief medical officer of health, Dr. Eilish Cleary, says the woman had recently returned from a trip to the United States.
Back in May, Dr. Cleary warned that additional cases could be expected this summer and even more in the fall. Of the three cases confirmed in New Brunswick since the outbreak began on April 26, none have required hospitalization.
Province to Replace Old Wooden Bridge Near Hampton
The Brawley Brook Bridge near Hampton is being replaced. The provincial government has set aside 160 thousand dollars to begin construction on the project Monday. The Damascus Road will be fully closed to traffic over the next 9 weeks while the Department of Transportation removes the bridge and replaces it with a 9.1 meter longer--and--9.1 meter wide concrete steel stringer bridge.
Transportation Minister Denis Landry says the existing wooden bridge is 42 years old and reaching the end of its service life.
K-V Fields Project to get Provincial Funding Boost
Quispamsis MLA Mary Schryer will be presenting a cheque for 300 thousand dollars to the KV Fields project tonight at the K-V high school graduation ceremony. Schryer tells CHSJ news the money will be used to build quality synthetic fields behind the Kennebecasis Valley High School.
The KV fields project will cost close to 1.5 million dollars.
Local Housing Prices In Record Territory
M-L-S sales in the local area were also up 4.1-percent last month compared to May of last year.
Meantime -- Canada Mortgage and Housing reports new housing starts to the end of May are off by a little over two percent compared to the same period a year ago.
Police Seek Public Help in Vandalism Case
City Police are seeking the public's help in finding those responsible for causing a substantial amount of damage to the new Plaza under construction on the West Side.
Officers say someone vandalised the property at 41 Plaza Avenue, next to the new Sobeys on Fairville Blvd in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 6. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Saint John Police Force at 648-3333.
Keir Rejects Call For Lepreau Review
The project is running about five-and-a-half months behind schedule with the reactor now scheduled to come back online early next year.
Energy Minister Jack Keir told the Legislature this morning a review would mean more delays and add as much as 110-million dollars to the overall cost of the project. '
Keir says N-B Power has been open and transparent about the progress of the complex retubing of the reactor and associated work.
Search is on for Missing Person
New for Friday 11am:
Missing since June.7th, the Major Crime Unit is asking for your help to find a 69-year old man. Jaakko Lauri of 16 Dove Street in the Moreland Trailer Park was reported missing on the 16th.
He is six feet one, 168lbs, slight build, bald, with a moustache, and growth of beard on face.
He was wearing a blue vest, blue jeans and a white hat. Lauri suffers from depression and if you have seen him, your asked to call City Police at 648-3333 or Crime-Stoppers.
Break and Enter Attempt
New for Friday at 11am:
The search is on for two young men by Hampton RCMP. This after someone tried to break into a home in Willow Grove yesterday. Police arrived and gave chase on foot but they both got away.
One is described as five ten, slim build, 170 pounds wearing a white long sleeve hoody and baseball cap. They other is also five ten, late twenties, also 170 pounds wearing a long sleeve black hoody.
Change Come to Recycling Problem
New for Friday 11am:
There is a change coming to the recycling program. The Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission has announced they are moving from a five to a three step product stream which allows them to get more collection efficiency. General Manager Mark MacLeod tells CHSJ News, they are in the process of purchasing the equipment for the new set-up which should be ready in August.
It's expected to cost half a million dollars to get the new collection system up and running but MacLeod says the efficiences with the new system will pay for that.
More Students to Say Goodbye
New for Friday 5am:
District Six started earlier this week and today, the first of the four high schools in District Eight will hold it's graduation ceremony tonight. Students from Harbourview High will don the cap and gown. Saint John High will hold it's ceremony Sunday afternoon followed by Saint Malachy's and Simonds on Monday.
Also, over 600 students will receive their diploma's from the Saint John Community College this afternoon. The ceremony gets started at 1:30pm at the Trade and Convention Center.
Plenty of City Police to do Last night
New for Friday 5am:
It was a night for the record books as City Police were sent to some wild calls. The first of note was Sobeys in the North End just before ten o'clock where a man was hit in the head with a hammer outside the store. He was taken to the Regional and with the exception of a massive headache, is expected to make a full recovery.
City Police also had their hands full with something that doesn't happen everyday. A man walked into his home at 181 Britian Street to find his apartment had been ransacked. His first thought was he had been robbed but then out of no-where, a deer charged at him and hit him in the hip. Officer's tell us the deer crashed through the glass door and tore the place up. The Department of Natural Resources was brought in and the deer was put down.
Fire in Millidgeville
New for Friday 5am:
How a fire started in Millidgeville last night remains a mystery at this point. Fire-fighters were called to 40 Millidge Avenue to find heavy smoke coming from the second storey of the building.
They quickly knocked down the flames and nobody was hurt.
Major Crime is assisting as they believe the fire is a case of arson.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Crash Victim Identified
A radio listener has helped RCMP determine the identity of a woman who remains in a Moncton hospital in critical condition. Sussex RCMP tell us the 1990 Pontiac she was driving hit a moose last night at ten o'clock on Route 114.
Police have confirm the victim as a 32 year old woman from the Mechanic Settlement area. Her name has not been released. She remains in the Intensive Care Unit.
Decision Expected Soon for Alternative Heating System for Landfill
It won't be long now before the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission decides whether or not to use methane gas coming out of the landfill to heat and power its buildings. General Manager Mark MacLeod tells CHSJ News they expect to finish measuring the amount and composition of gas coming out of the landfill within a month.
MacLeod says their engineers are in the process of mounting a business case for using the gas to take the landfill off the electrical grid. He says doing so wouldn't be cheap. A decision is expected by fall.
Rockwood Park May be Developed for Housing
The group Friends of Rockwood Park is accusing the city of trying to sell off bits and pieces of the park to private developers. Common council tabled a proposal made on Monday to construct 12 four-unit townhouses on 4 acres of park property. The group says the lot has been deemed surplus to help pay for water infrastructure along Sandy Point Road. Spokesperson Joan Pearce tells CHSJ news the city is going down a slippery slope.
Pearce says development will pollute the nearby lakes and streams, and blasting on the hillsides will destroy the local ecosystems.