(Striking Armoured Car Workers On King Street) (Photo By Jim Hennessy)
Armoured car workers from G4S Secur Cor Cash Solutions are walking the picket line for a third week with no new talks scheduled.
Members of the teamsters union began it's strike on September.23rd after contract negotiations broke down.
Union spokes-person Phillip Comeau tells CHSJ News, he can't believe management covering their jobs are happy with the situation.
Comeau says the union wanted to get back to the bargaining table last week but the company declined the offer.
The union is looking for a three year contract, better wages and there is a 13% wage increase that is still out-standing from the now expired contract.
Workers are also refusing to be forced to take a polygraph test.
5 clothing stores could face fines and charges after opening their doors on Thanksgiving Day. City police notified about 4 stores opening for business in Eastpoint shopping centre and one store in the Lancaster mall. Sergeant Pat Bonner tells CHSJ News the matter has been referred to the City solicitor to consider fines and charges under the Days of Rest Act.
A request to borrow one million dollars has been made to the Municipal Capital Borrowing Board from the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission.
The cash would be used to construct a sixth cell, one year ealrier than anticipated.
General Manager Marc MacLeod tells CHSJ News, the safety of hauling vehicles at Cell Five has become a factor. MacLeod adds if they waited until next year, they would have the cash and wouldn't have to borrow it.
The Conservation Council is appealing to the city to stop using toxic sprays to get rid of bugs and weeds in its parks and playing fields. Dr. Paula Tippett is warning the city it's putting young children and babies at risk.
Dr. Tippett goes on to say some pesticides harm the reproductive system along with causing birth defects, developmental problems and learning difficulties. The Conservation Council maintains you can target bad bugs with insecticidal soap spray.
(Town Officials and Vito's Staff Pose After Signing Deal) (Photo Supplied)
The food services contract for the Q-Plex has been awarded to a well known family restaurant.
The Georgoudis', best known for it's chain of Vito’s Restaurants, are set to launch George Cousins Catering Services and the ”Q” Stop Concessions. Construction of the state of the art facility continues and is expected to be open by the first of January.
Saint John will not be losing its Energy Department office that was moved here by the previous Liberal government with great fanfare designed to emphasize the importance being placed on the energy hub. That word coming from the new Provincial Energy Minister Craig Leonard, the M-L-A from Fredericton.
Tim Currie of the Atlantica Centre for Energy tells CHSJ News its good to have a presence where the energy hub is located but sometimes the distance between the two cities can be exaggerated.
He points out the energy portfolio is by itself and not combined with other cabinet posts which is a sign of how serious the new provincial government views it.
Currie also says, even today, there are projects in the energy hub moving along that aren't big newsmakers but bring with them significant investment and more jobs and he's optimistic about the future.
Common Councillor Donnie Snook, who works with young people in the south end, is worried free drop in programs at the city's community centres are in jeopardy. He calls is a sad day for the city.
This follows details emerging from a funding request to the city from the YM-YWCA to operate programs at the Forest Glen community centre. Snook warns this will be a bad move if it's extended to the community centres in the north and south ends.
Common Council was told school district 8 is taking over ownership of the community centres but the funding request from the "Y" was sent back to the City Manager after other Councillors voiced their opposition to fees being charged to at risk kids whose families can't afford to pay.
Snook concedes he was surprised at hearing school district 8 is taking back ownership of the community centres including the one in the south end which happens to be in his ward.
Deputy Mayor Stephen Chase's attempt to get the Peel Plaza parking garage moved to a new location has been shot down at Common Council as the discussion, at times, became heated.
City Manager Pat Woods told Council taxpayers are not footing the bill.......It's the Parking Commission. Chase did get support from one other member of Council, Patty Higgins who says the city is facing a dire financial situation.
Council was told by Woods if the location were changed, 1.7 million dollars spent so far on the project would be lost. Woods went on to say changing the location at the 11th hour when tendering is just weeks away would sour the business relationship between the city and the province.
The General Manager of the Parking Commission, Richard Smith also voiced support for the parking garage where it is proposed to go a stone's throw from the Justice Complex.
Deputy Mayor Stephen Chase found himself under blistering attack during the sometimes heated debate over the proposed parking garage for Peel Plaza.
Councillor Chris Titus, chairs the Parking Commission and charged Chase was being irresponsible in attempting to score political points, at this late stage, by trying to change the location.
Mayor Ivan Court accused Chase of not working as hard as other members of Council even though he earns more money as Deputy Mayor and of trying to sabotage all of the city's new projects.
Homeowners affected by flooding in Oakville Acres continue to press town officials in Rothesay for progress on fixing the problem. A clear water sewer setup is 35% complete but a detention pond is still in the design phase. Spokes-person Gary Howard says they want to see the detailed design for the pond get done sooner rather than later.
Mayor Bill Bishop says this project is moving forward but acquiring the properties necessary to move ahead isn't something that can be done overnight. Howard says he isn't all that impressed that 50% of the property needed for the pond has been acquired by the town.
Bishop adds as far as starting the design work, officials tell him that there is no point in beginning that process until you know what you have to work with.
Howard also is hopeful Quispamsis won't hold up the show by not raising a pumping station in the area. The Mayor says officials in Quispamsis have told him the pump, situated where it is, is susceptible to flooding if the detention pond overflows
The possibility of curbside recycling in Rothesay continues to be explored by both the Town and Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission.
General Manager Marc MacLeod tells CHSJ News, there would be a zero dollar tipping fee for the first year of operation.
Right now, the Waste Commission would like to see how things run over the period of a year but the town is looking for a long term commitment. MacLeod adds it is vital to make sure other programs under the landfill's umbrella will not suffer if curbside recycling should run into cost over-runs.