(President of the SJ Board of Trade Imelda Gilman) (File Photo)
After pointing out several concerns in the original memorandum of understanding, the Saint John Board of Trade has given it's blessing to the second proposal between NB Power and Hydro Quebec. President Imelda Gilman tells CHSJ News, members had a private meeting with Minister Keir and the Advisory Panel recently. Gilman adds looking at who the Board of Trade is and what they stand for, the agreement is in the best insteret of it's members.
(Saint John MP Rodney Weston at Lily Lake) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
With final preperations for the Pavillion Cup Hockey Torunament underway in the back-ground, Saint John MP Rodney Weston arrived at Lily lake today bearing gifts. Over $300,000 dollars has been earmarked for the greenspace through the Atlantic anada Opportunities Agency. Weston says this is a terrific project.
The money will be used to construct multi-purpose trails and improvements to exsisting areas including walkways, stone entry gates and grass turf. The city has also written a cheque towards the project at just over $3000 dollars.
(Trevor Holder Speaking at a recent News Conference) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
The MLA for Saint John Portland not pulling any punches in response to an accusation from Energy Minister Keir. He claims the Conservative Party is responsible for triggering an on-line boycott against candy maker Ganong Brothers. Trevor Holder tells CHSJ News, he is stunned by the comment.
Holder is challenging Minister Keir to prove his accusation but believes he can't or won't. David Ganong, president and C-E-O of the company, chaired the advisory panel that reviewed the province's energy deal with Hydro-Quebec.
(Crews Continue Clean-Up From Early Morning Fire) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
The top left hand side of the building at 2 Arena Lane in Rothesay, New Brunswick has been heavily damaged. This after fire ripped through the building just after five this morning. Kennebecasis Valley Fire Chief Larry Greer tells CHSJ News, no word yet on how the blaze got started.
Fire Chief Greer tells us both the new pumper and quint trucks were put into action for this blaze and played a vital role in being able to save the building. Several families are being offered assistance by the Red Cross.
Drivers should know there will be blasting work done in East Saint John today. It will take place at 2 this afternoon and cause delays on Route 1 eastbound and westbound near the Crown Street off ramp. The traffic delay today will last about 15 minutes. The work is part of Phase 2 of the Department of Transportation's One Mile House Interchange project. The project includes a 600 metre viaduct and associated ramps and roadways to connect Route 1 to Bayside Drive and crosses the CN Railroad yard, Marsh Creek and Rothesay Avenue. All work should be completed by the fall of 2012.
A new bill introduced in the Legislature could mean a big change to the driving habits of many. The Opposition critic for Public Safety Carl Urquhart wants drivers to slow down and proceed with caution while passing emergency vehicles when their flashing lights are on. If passed, the bill will change sections of the Motor Vehicle Act. The bill also says if a person endangers the lives of emergency personnel by driving too close or too fast, they can receive a fine of between $400 and $2,000 for a first offense. If caught more than once, you could be fined between $1,000 and $4,000 or put in jail for up to six months.
Donating your gently-used jeans can help people in Haiti and at home. The Aeropostale store in McAllister Place is collecting denim until February 14th. The company is hoping to collect 100 thousand pairs and will match that amount in brand-new jeans. Christine Vienneault of Aeropostale tells CHSJ News the balance of jeans will go to Romero House. The Saint John Sea Dogs have autographed a pair of jeans and everyone who donates to the fundaiser will get a ballot. Aeropostale will also be collecting gently-used jeans at the Seadogs game on February 14th.
Another decrease in the price of gas after the weekly setting.......The maximum price for self serve regular is just over a dollar a litre and is being sold in Saint John for 97.9. The max that can be charged for diesel is 105.3 and it's going for 102.7 in the city. In Grand Bay-Westfield, Self Serve is selling for 96.9 and diesel for 101.7. Furnace oil is also a bit cheaper at 88.1 but propane rose in price to $1.16 a litre.