Energy Minister Jack Keir says there's no reason to wait to sign a letter of intent with the French Company Areva.
Keir was in Florida last week to discuss the possibility of a second nuclear reactor at Point Lepreau. He says there are all kinds of reasons why Areva would want to invest in New Brunswick.
He says Areva sees that New Brunswick is a bilingual province and there's opportunities here for them to do research and development at both UNB and UDM.
Keir says if a letter of intent is signed the next step will be to build a business case that works for everybody.
Over the past six days, five homes and a business in the jurisdiction of Hampton RCMP have been robbed.
It started with a home in Baxters Corner on the 29th and the latest happened last night in Bloomfield. Plenty of things were stolen including jewelry, diesel, an ATV and an ATV trailer. Also, officers tell us someone stole a dozen patio chairs from Holly's restaurant that were left on the outdoor patio.
Graffiti spray-painted on the back wall of the Imperial Theater will be gone in the next two weeks. Through a method called soda blasting, crews will remove what some consider to be art on the newly constructed wall.
Operations Manager S.G. Lee tells CHSJ News, an exact dollar figure isn't available right now.
Lee adds she is pleased that someone has been caught and charged with the crime and unfortunately, graffiti is one of those facts of city life.
The Provincial Liberals have accused the previous Conservative Government under then Premier Bernard Lord of neglecting Saint John and claim they have spent much more money in the area.
Saint John Portland M-L-A Trevor Holder rejects that and tells CHSJ News the September election will be about what sort of government you want for the next four years.
Holder says it was the Lord Government who refurbished the plant at Coleson Cove and the Lily Lake Pavilion, extended Harbour Passage, contributed to water treatment projects in the city and built the ball fields at Millidgeville North.
For many.....this story should help bring some closure. After a lengthy investigation by the Major Crime Unit, a 20-year old East Saint John man has been arrested in connection with vandalism at the St. Joseph's Cemetery on Westmorland Road. It was back in April that police discovered over 300 headstones had been kicked over and damaged sometime on April.25th. The man has been charged with mischief over $5,000.00 and will appear in court later this month.
The Atlantic Coastal Action Program is trying to put the effort in perspective as the clean-up continues from the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Executive Director Tim Vickers tells CHSJ News, if a spill were to happen in this area, measures are in place to tackle it. Vickers adds in taking the time to walk the shorelines in Greater Saint John, you can envision what kind of damage could be done if a spill of that magnitude were to happen.
With trailers on the move and vehicles filled with people enjoying vacation, many are smiling as the price of gasoline holds steady.
It was just two years ago that prices reached as a high as a dollar forty a litre and Kevin McCann with Wilson Fuels tells CHSJ News, he doesn't expect any fall-out from the Gulf of Mexico spill right now.
McCann says in the short term, he doesn't expect any huge spikes as the demand for oil and refined products is soft.
There appears to be peace in the Valley, inparticular along the Vincent Road after fears of declining property values and children's safety. It all came about when a youth home for at risk teenagers was given approval to move into the neighbourhood much to the dis-approval of many home and business owners. Mel Kennah is Executive Director of Moncton Youth Services and tells CHSJ News, there is certainly no immediate plan to expand in the Valley. Kennah adds only one resident is living at the home with a second expected over the summer and a third by the end of the year.
The organizing committee of the Acadian Games is feeling good about what they accomplished.
Spokes-person Michel Cote tells CHSJ News, the games were a huge success. Cote says all of the feedback from the close to 1200 athletes and their families has been positive about not only the games but Greater Saint John as well.
The next Acadian Games will take place in Edmunston in 2012.
(Provincial Conservative Leader David Alward) (File Photo)
As the Liberals continue to launch attacks through radio ads, the Conservative Party is ready to fire back. Their campaign ads started over the weekend and Leader David Alward tells CHSJ News, he is disappointed the Premier is resorting to American style attack ads while claiming it shows a lack of leadership with the Premier unwilling to run on his record. Alward says the Conservative ads will remind voters about some of the decisions made by the Graham Government but won't start slinging mud.
After sitting with no marker for years a former World Champion will be given a proper headstone. A ceremony will be held tomorrow and a headstone will mark the resting place of speed skating legend Charles Gorman. Historian Harold Wright played a big role in making this a reality and tells CHSJ News, he was shocked to learn there was no grave marker. Local artist Norm Jackson will also be on hand to present Irving Oil with a portrait of the former world champion as the company put forward the money for the grave-stone. The ceremony is at the Old Cedar Hill Cemetery. Wright has seen photographs of the new marker and says it is impressive:
It can be done but there are still a few hoops City Hall has to jump through to make bicycle and walking lanes on the Viaduct a reality. A proposal was brought forward a few weeks ago to put them on the south side of the bridge and staff will provide council with an update at tonight's council meeting. The cost is pegged at $18,000 dollars but support from Fredericton has to happen as Main Street North and the Viaduct are part of the provincial highway system. If the proposal does move forward, two of the six current vehicle lanes on Main Street and the Viaduct would be converted to bike and pedestrian lanes. Also, the speed limit would drop to 50 kilometers an hour from the current 60.
Within the next week and a half, the new look for the City of Saint John's web-site will be on-line. The Mayor and councillors will get a sneek peek during tonight's Common Council meeting as staff have been working on the redevelopment for several months now. There are plenty of new features that will be available. More details will be unveiled tonight.
There will be no name change for the Saint John Airport. A letter was sent to council recently by former mayor and councillor Eric Teed to change the moniker to honor Rothesay native Wallace Turnbull. In a letter, airport officials point out it already has two displays paying respect to Turnbull for his accomplishments. Turnbull is the man who invented the varible pitch propeller and built the world's first wind tunnel which revolutionized the aviation industry.