In what the judge called a "highly unusual" case, a young woman who robbed the Garden Street Irving with a syringe 7 years ago turned herself over to police in the hope of finally kicking her drug addiction.
The robbery happened on Boxing Day in 2006, when 32 year old Patricia Joy Honeywell threatened staff at the gas station with what she described as a "dirty" needle and demanded cash. Honeywell told the court she wants to get the treatment available in jail so she can get off drugs and be a mother to her 3 kids again.
In his sentencing, Judge LeMesurier asked Honeywell whether she would want her children working late nights at a gas station after what she did, reminding her that the employees she "traumatized" are also someone else's children.
In his sentencing, the judge said he tried to take into account both the seriousness of the offence and Honeywell's honesty in finally coming clean. Ultimately, she was sentenced to 3 years federal time.
Police in the valley using the extra cash left over from this year's budget to pay for their name change.
The Rothesay Regional Police are becoming the Kennebecasis Valley Police, following in the footsteps of the fire department who changed their name back in 2006. Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop says the surplus is not because of over-budgeting, it's because of officers being hired out by the RCMP to do specialized work. Bishop says they pay their salaries back to the commission, and in turn, the commission hires less qualified people to fill the vacancies which builds up a surplus.
Bishop says they will be using the $125,000 surplus to pay for new signage for the K-V Police Department and new vehicles instead of using funds from the 2014 budget.
It might not look or smell spoiled, but that burger you're about to bite into could be contaminated with a potentially deadly bacteria.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Belmont Meats Ltd., warning the public not to eat the brand's uncooked lean ground beef because it could contain E. coli. This is the third E. coli-related beef recall from the Toronto factory this month.
Eating food containing the bacteria can cause severe abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, seizures strokes, and in extreme cases, death. The Belmont Meats Ltd. brand distributes products nationwide to stores including Sobeys, Wal-Mart and Superstore.
One of the oldest businesses in King's County is getting a boost from the feds.
GE Barbour Inc, best known for King Cole Tea and its lines of natural peanut butter and spices, getting $1.1 million to expand and modernize its manufacturing facility in Sussex.
The funds will buy a new roaster and packaging equipment, allowing them to increase peanut butter and almond butter production. The project is being supported in part by a $500-thousand dollar repayable contribution by ACOA's Business Development Program.
One litre of used oil is capable of contaminating one million litres of water--and a new recycling program in the new year will help New Brunswickers dispose of potential contaminants safely.
You'll be able to recycle used oil, oil filters, oil containers, antifreeze and antifreeze containers at recycling locations throughout New Brunswick. Recycle NB will release all the details of the program when it starts on January 1.
Protestors in Saint John are standing behind the anti-shale gas movement on the Elsipogtog First Nation.
Joel Butler was in attendance at a demonstration in uptown Saint John this afternoon.
Butler tells CHSJ News the provincial government's idea of consultation is to share its plans with the First Nations when it should be seeking their permission to allow for shale gas testing on their land. Further talks between native leaders and Premier David Alward are expected to continue.
You can get some parenting tips from one of Canada's experts at an event this weekend.
Judy Arnall will be speaking to the participants of an early learning conference at UNB Saint John hosted by the Hampton Alliance for Lifelong Learning.
Arnall tells CHSJ News that play helps kids develop their emotions and teaches social lessons.
She says it also expands their creativity, problem solving and their ability to communicate through play.
She will also be talking about how to create better communication in families.
To register for the event on Saturday, click here.
The Provincial Assembly of First Nations’ Chiefs want Energy and Mines Minister Craig Leonard to suspend permits granted to SWN Resources for shale gas testing near Rexton to ensure a cooling off period can take hold.
Elsipogtog First Nation Chief Aaron Sock describes the RCMP's actions against his people in a violent protest last week as almost horrendous.
Assembly of First Nations' Chiefs co-chair George Ginnish says the province has to acknowledge that the consultation process has failed.
They go on to say that once the licenses are suspended the government must return to the table and have a consultation that isn’t rushed and that leads to a complete understanding of how the shale gas industry would impact Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.
The Salvation Army will hold a community job and information fair tomorrow to show people there are organisations to help and give opportunities. 24 organisations are taking part.
Besides much needed employment, Randy Hatfield of the Human Development Council tells CHSJ News finding half decent affordable housing in the city is a problem for many people.
Barry Galloway of Vibrant Communities argues the housing stock in the city, by and large, is old and not in very good shape. He tells CHSJ News you need safe, affordable housing as a foundation to escape poverty.
The job fair tomorrow goes from 9 in the morning to noonhour at the Centre of Hope on St. James Street.
The Elizabeth Fry Society held its annual candlelight vigil in King Square for Ashley Smith, the 19 year old woman from Moncton, who choked herself to death in a Kitchenoer, Ontario jail cell while guards looked on and did not intervene.
A lengthy inquest in Toronto is being held into her death but Marianna Stack, President of the Elizabeth Fry Society in Saint John, tells CHSJ News it should be even broader and go back to the very start of her problems in New Brunswick. Stack says while Ashley had difficulties, how she was treated in prison made matters worse and broke her.
She adds New Brunswick has an abysmal history when it comes to young people if you consider the cases of not only Ashley Smith but the crimes perpetrated by Karl Toft at Kingsclear, former Common Councillor Donnie Snook and now deceased former police sergeant and city works employee Ken Estabrooks before that.
Music NB handing out its awards at the Imperial Theatre to the best musicians of the year from around the province. Saint John singer and songwriter Jessica Rhaye paid tribute to Ken Tobias by performing "Every Bit of Love".
2013 Prix MNB Awards - General categories Anglophone Recording: The Motorleague – Acknowledge, Acknowledge Francophone Recording: Les Hay Babies – Le Folio EP Anglophone Group Recording: The Motorleague – Acknowledge, Acknowledge Francophone Group Recording: Les Hay Babies – Le Folio EP Anglophone Solo Recording: Shaun LeBlanc - Kaleidoscope Francophone Solo Recording: Caroline Savoie – Laisse-moi rêver Instrumental Recording: Ryan LeBlanc - Solitude Emerging Artist/Group: Shaun LeBlanc Découverte de l’année: Les Hay Babies SOCAN Song of the Year (Anglophone): The Motorleague – North America Chanson SOCAN of the Year: Les Hay Babies – Obsédée Genre Specific Categories Blues Recording: Ross Neilsen – The Shack Up Session Rock/Loud Recording: The Motorleague – Acknowledge, Acknowledge Roots/Folk Recording: Les Hay Babies – Le Folio EP Pop Recording: Caroline Savoie – Laisse-moi rêver Country Recording: Laurie LeBlanc - Influences Electronic or Urban Recording: In Dreams – Sleepwalk
Special Categories Collaborative Musician of the Year: Samantha Robichaud Video/DVD: The Motorleague – North America (Director: Josh Warburton) Music Business of the Year: Lynn Daigle/Malkin Music/Cyper PR Army Music Industry Professional of the Year: Lynn Daigle Educator of the Year: Samantha Robichaud Expat Artist of the Year: Lisa LeBlanc Choix du public: Les Hay Babies Fan’s Choice: Kendra Gale
Protests cut short National Energy Board hearings on a proposal to reverse the flow of a pipeline that runs between southern Ontario and Montreal.
Some opponents suggest the Line 9 reversal is ultimately so Enbridge can
transport oil to the Atlantic coast for export, something the company
The final day of the hearing at which Enbridge East was to present its final arguments was postponed because of security concerns.
Dozens of protesters rallied outside the site of the hearing to oppose Enbridge’s plan to reverse its line and increase its capacity to carry bitumen. They maintain the pipeline isn't up to the task, thereby increasing the liklihood of a spill happening.
How this dispute between the First Nations and the province over shale gas testing will wind up is uncertain.
A community meeting was held yesterday at the Elsipogtog First Nation and there could be more said later today about where the protest is going.
Mark D'Arcy of the Council of Canadians in Fredericton tells CHSJ News the Alward Government is not backing down and the opposition of the people of Elsipogtog is not diminishing. He's suggesting the dispute could wind up in the courts.
D'Arcy says the First Nations feel more strongly about this issue because if their water gets contaminated, they can't just move away.
The New Brunswick Court of Appeal ruling Bradley Scott Wilson of Chance Harbour will get a new trial as it overturns his conviction for sexual assaulting a bartender on the west side in January of last year.
The Appeal Court ruled the trial judge, Mr. Justice Hugh McLellen did not apply the law regarding reasonable doubt.
The trial heard differing versions of what happened in the bar after it closed and there were inconsistencies in the testimony.
When the new trial will be held hasn't been determined.
The violence erupting outside of Rexton at the fracking protest site ultimately undermining the cause.
That word coming from the provincial NDP leader Dominic Cardy, who tells CHSJ News the second you break the law, the focus shifts from what you are protesting to the tactics being used. Cardy says these types of violent tactics have to be condemned, and that you can't change laws by breaking laws.
After several heated days, tensions seem to be cooling. Members of the Elsipogtog First Nation attending a community meeting today to discuss next steps. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs voicing their solidarity with the nation and sending Grand Chief Derek Nepinak to the province.