open season is over, they're analyzing their bids and here in the
province we're sitting tight, waiting to hear word on whether a
west-east pipeline is coming to Saint John.
after getting a information folder with the words "Energy East
Pipeline" on the front, Mayor Mel Norton is optimistic. Norton says it's
a sign talks with prospective shippers and receivers were positive. He tells CHSJ News the packet talks about being responsible in terms of the public engagement process and working with municipalities, unincorporated areas and First Nations communities.
also received a packet before their last council meeting stating three
new terminals will be built in Quebec and New Brunswick. We should have
official word from TransCanada by mid-August, or earlier.
An air quality advisory has been issued for the province.
Public health officials warning fires blazing in the forests of Quebec could have an affect on air quality in the northern region.
Dr. Eilish Cleary, chief medical officer of health, says people living there should take precautions when heavy smoke affects air quality. She says infants, children, pregnant women, older adults, smokers, and people with chronic heart or lung diseases should stay inside with the windows shut.
It'll be red and white as far as the eye can see today, as the city marks Canada Day.
A greasy, cheesy poutine cook-off, a good ole' Canadian kitchen party and a rocking twelve-hour concert on the boardwalk. It's all been leading up to today's festivities.
Pre-Canada Day events have been happening since June 21st, and Stephany Peterson of the Hardman group tells CHSJ News it all culminates in today's July 1st celebration, which she calls the cherry on top.
There's free transportation from Saint John transit, free admission at the museum all day, and all the day's events are free. The festivities go ahead rain or shine. To see a schedule of events, click here.